Chapter 13: with all my heart

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Em pov

After we got ourselves clean up..we got our food and went to sat with them.. As we reach closer and they realised that we never by.. The girls and boys all acted as if they hate or dislike each do they really think I'm that stupid... "Hey what took you both so Long?" Spencer ask.. As we sat down.."Mona..." Alison say.. And they all just nodded thinking some big drama happens between the three of us again.. The girls and ali start eating as..I just stare at my steak.. "Omg so that's why you eat're a werewolf too.." Hanna say out loud.. And the boys all turn to look at me like what the fuck.. "Well..they saw me with Ali as a wolf..and obviously they figure who it was.. Now chill they aren't going to tell since they are your girlfriends.. " I say causally making the girls choke on their food and the guys all getting all shocked..

"Alison why the fuck did you tell Emily!"Ezra shouted at Ali stand up..causing her to jump, scared .. I quickly stood up and grab him by the neck.. " talk to Alison like that again and I'll fucking bite you're head off.." I say angrily.. And Ezra rise his hand..and nodded.. " apologies.." I growl as I let go and sat back down.. "I'm sorry " he say sitting.."who asshole?"I glare at him "I'm sorry Alison.." "anyone else? " I say glaring at all of them.. and they all shook their heads no.. " anyways..Ali didn't have to tell me anything.. I knew from the beginning.. " I say cutting my steak.. " your okay if this?" Toby ask.. "yeah who ever you want just.. I don't care" they all thank me and I roll my eyes.. I'm still kinda piss cause of Ezra..

Suddenly I felt hand on my inner thigh.. I look down it was Ali..hehe my girlfriend.. "oh by the way..Emily you forgot to tell them..that you going to give them a day off, today.." My eyes quickly widen "so there can go out on a date" she continues and I turn to look at her.."Alison wh-" suddenly I felt her hand in between my legs..rubbing it so felt so good.."oh fuck" i couldn't contain my excitement anymore.."Em are you okay ?" Spencer ask.. "'re turning red.." Hanna added.. " I'm fine.. Alison.." I turn to look at her and she's giving me a cheeky smile.."yes..Emily..what's wrong ..I'm just tell them..that you wanted to give them the day it would just be YOU and I in the office.. " she says with a smirk..oh...I know what she's getting at..she wants to have some time alone with me.. Oh my girl..can't seem to stay away huh..

"Oh my.." I moan out say Ali place pressure.."Em? What's going on?" Toby now ask..I quickly grab Ali's hand.. "Nothing..i just remember Alison right..I'm supposed to give you guys the day off.. " I say looking at them."are you sure Emily?" Caleb ask. "I'm very I think you guys deserve it.. " I say faking a smile.. They all thank me and the girls continue eating..I turn to look at Ali and a evil grin appeared on her face.. Oh my what does my Girlfriend have plan..

At the office

"Ali..why did you want me to give them the day off?" I say as I unlock my office door and walk in.."so I can do this" she push on the Ali to the nearest wall and kiss me so roughly cause me to knock my head on the wall.."omg baby...I'm sorry.." Ali say as she stop kiss and rub the back on my head, making laugh.."Bae..did you forget I'm a hybrid..It doesn't hurt at all" I laugh out loud."oh..yeah...right.." Ali say looking away.."My love...tell me what's wrong? Why did you want them away the others to be be away?.." I say placing my hand on her cheek to look at me.

" I thought..I thought maybe I..I could take you on a date..I know we have work to do and that you are my boss and and.." She say lost of words...."Ali..I'd love that.." I say looking deep into her eyes.."really?" She say with her face lighting up. "Oh Ali I know I'm still your boss..but you are my Girlfriend now, and you are suppose to bring me out" I say wrapping my arms around her.."yes boss, now go home, change and I'll pick you can in 15 minutes" she say winking. "Look at you now telling me want to do" I say squeezing her cheeks. she pulls away and stick out her tongue. " wait you don't have a car.. and what should I wear?" "don't worry about it..and wear anything comfortable..and maybe sexy?" She say winking and licking her lower lips..I rolled my eyes and punch her shoulder playfully.

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