chapter 30: Just wait and see

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A/n Hey everyone, last chapter is here y'all! so heads up this chapter is really long about 6800 words.the most I've ever written in a chap,  sorry in advance for any mistake So enjoy! Hehe

Alison pov

Emily!" I scream as I watch my lover being thrown to the tree.. I can hear her bones practically breaking. I ran to her and look at her face, her eyes are all closed. But there so many cut on her face.. And her lips are bleeding, she looks so helpless.. "Em baby are you okay?" No respond.."baby please wake up for me.." I cry out.. Emily slowly forced open her eyes, her eyes bloodshot red and are slightly teary..that asshole is going to pay for this...

I'm so angry that my blood started to boiled if i could i want to rip his head off... I clench my hands as i feel my body starting to hurt, and my eyes started to go wild. I slowly stood up and i felt like a fucking truck hit my head. The pain started to get worse when i feel my bones starting to deform.. What the fuck is going on.. I got on my knees as i groaned in pain. I feel my hands growing bigger and my nails started to turn into claws..everywhere hurts so bad i just growl in pain.. What's is happening to me.. I look at my body and i couldn't believe my eyes.. My body.. Is's not a human body..but wolf.. I'm a wolf but how... "Wow would you look at that... She's actually a bitch.." I heard noal voice says..

"Ali.. You.. You transform.. You're a werewolf.. " i turn and see Emily slowly sitting up.. I was about to respond but Emily shouted.." Behind you!" I turn around and see noal charging towards me in lighting speed.. At first, i was scared.. But then i remember I'm a wolf now.. let's see what this body can do.. On all fours, i ran towards him with no free, no symptoms.. He hurt my baby.. And he will pay... I ran and tackled him to the ground. He try to push me off him but i bite on his arms as hard as i can.

" let go you bitch!" Noal shouts in pain as I continue to bite on his arms.. His blood starts to bleed and it really taste fucking disgusting but i didn't let go.. He flipped us around and punches me hard on the stomach. I open my mouth as i cried in pain.. He goes to hit me again and i felt as if my bones are breaking.. He grabs me by the neck and raise me up in the air and give me a smirk... The oxygen in my body is running out.. I struggled to get out of this grip but he is too strong.. And i don't really know how to handle with this claws.. He slowly raises his legs.. And was about to give me a hard kick...i knew then that this is might be the end of me..Suddenly we heard a bunch of wolves howls and a loud horn acho from on side of the jungle .. I see a huge pack of got to be fucking kidding me... I look at noal and he slight release his grip.. Now is my chances... I push my legs forward and give me a hard kick him causing him to let go of me as i fall to the ground..

Em pov

I saw my girlfriend just change into a freaking white wolf. Is the most surprising thing that has to happen today.. Believe it or not... Right now she's fighting with Noal. At first, she was doing really good.. But i guess she is not used to being a wolf just yet.Noal is is going to fucking kill her if i don't do something. Actually.. The rest looks really tired too... There so many of them.. And only 7 of us.. Of course..

I'm in a lot of pain.. I can barely feel my legs.. But i need to fight and  I slowly walk trying to get back all the strength in me to fight.." not so strong now aren't you my Emmy dear" my father says walking to me.. I was about to answer But suddenly there was a bunch of wolves howls and a loud horn acho from on side of the jungle.. I turn to see that direction.. And notice the wolves that are not the kings or noals.. And how i know that.. It's cause they are not wearing any collar.... Everyone stops, turn and look at them..

Once they were close.. wolves moved away and we see an old man with long grey hair with a cane sitting on a big brown wolf.. I've never since him before but i did heard of him before.. The wolf walked in front, stop and lower himself so the old man could get off.. "Well well, what do we have here.. " My father says with a smirk.. "Wayne.. You need to stop this.. " the old man spoke with such confidence.. "Stop what, Jacob?" " This.. This whole damn nonsense.. This has gone too far.. You need to stop this..please"  The old man says walking slowly to us..

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