chapter 16: you're mine

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Em and I we're having a very heated make out session when the toilet swing open.." honey I have the...oh.." I pulled way from Emily as quickly as I can.. "mom.." I rolled my eyes at her.. "oops sorry hunny..I didn't know you guys getting busy" she says with a she past me the kit.. "omg mom.." I says, noticing My Girlfriend getting really red..

"Whatever... anyways what happened to you Emily?" My mom say.."Ma' did you know my name?" Emily says shocked.."oh please...Ali here talks about you all the time..and since you both were really close earlier..I just took a Guess.." She says smiling.. "I'll give you guys some privacy..and Ali don't be to loud your siblings are home.." She says laughing as leaving the washroom..Once she left Emily turn to look at me as I place the bandage on her cut.." You talk about me all the time huh?" She says smirking.."what no.." I says trying to hide my blush.."aw you're so cute.." Emily says kissing my checks.. I shook my head as I held on to her hand leading her out of the washroom.. To the living room .."oh good that you both are out...dinner is ready" my mom say popping her head out of the kitchen.."oh well the I should make my way out.." Emily says..kissing me and about to head to the door.."oh Emily..why don't you join us.." My mom say stopping her.. "No it's okay Ma'm I don't want to intrude.." "Nonsense..have dinner with us, please..Ali don't just stand there, convince your Girlfriend to eat with us.." My mom says looking at me sternly..

"Don't need Ma'm I'll have dinner with you'll.." Emily says smiling.."oh goody..and Emily you can just call me Jessica.." My mom say.."oh okay Jessica.." "Okay Ali can you go call the twins down from their room.." My mom says before disappearing into the kitchen.."wanna come with me ?" I says smiling at Emily as I take her hands.. She gives me a sweet smile and nod her head..I pull her put to the twins room and I can hear them both shouting inside..I quickly open the door and saw Cece on the fall crying... I quickly let go of Emily and run to towards Cece, lifting her up as she cry on my shoulders..

"Jason! What did you do to your Sister?" I says while rubbing Cece back.. "Nothing.." He say following his arms.. "He...he broke snowy  " Cece cry out point at the a white stuff dog with with it's head and body apart from each other. "Jas...did you broke snowy?" I say putting Cece down on the Jason just look down.."Jason..did you?" "Yes..but..but it was an accident..I..I ask if I could play with him but Cece won't let I snatch it from her and it broke.." Jason say before looking down all guilty.. "And Cece why didn't you want to share snowy with your brother?" I say looking at the 5 year old girl.."be..because it's mineeee.. You gave it to me.." She whine.."ah ah ah.. No Cece..I gave mr snow to both of was what dad gave to me when I was your age and I decided to give it to you both remember..and look what you two did to snowy" I say picking up the head and the body.."I'm sorry Ce.." "I'm sorry Jas" They both cried out at the same they run into each other hugging..

"Ali..we are sorry.." They both say as they let go of each other.."can you fix snowy?" They both as at the same time again...well they do that a lot.."okay I'll see what I can do.." they run up to me and gave me a hug one on my left the other on my right..thanking me. "Who is she?" Cece say as we all pull away.. "She's pretty..." Jason say looking at Emily..

Em pov

"Who is she ?" The girl say finally noticing me.."She's pretty.." The little blonde boy say. "Okay you guys this is Emily.." Alison say smiling at me.. "Hi Emily..I'm Cece and this is Jason.." Cece says smiling at me.. "Hi Cece,'s nice to meet you two.." I says. Jason gave me a smirk and walk towards me.. "How you doing gorgeous ?" He says charmingly as he winks at me..leaving me all shock..Turing to look at Ali before getting down to his level.."sorry handsome..but I already have very beautiful Girlfriend standing right there..." I say point at Ali..."dang it.." I hear Jason Whisper.."omg omg Yeah!! Finally ali are with someone who is not Mona.." Cece jumping up and down.. I'm Guess she doesn't like Mona too.."yes..Emily here is my Girlfriend..Now ce stop jumping  and Jason stop flirting with my Girlfriend...dinner is ready and Mom want you both down now.. " Alison say point out the door..

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