Chapter 27: So In Love

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Ali pov

"You know it's rude to stare." I mumble with my eyes closed... " did you know I was staring.." Emily says shock.. "I just had a feeling beautiful eyes was staring at me.. " I say slowly opening my eyes to stare at hers.. "And I was right.. They are beautiful indeed" I say causing Emily to turn red... I move my body to face her and place my hand on her check.. "Good morning my love.." I whisper before leaning in to kiss her.. "Hehe good morning my handsome " she says slowly seating up..

"Where are you going?" I say pouting.."we need to get up... School starts in an 1 hour.. " Emily says slowly walked away but i caught her waist.."ouch.." She flinches a little..i quickly let her go and look down "oh sorry, i forgot.." "Hey hey it's can still hold me." She says turning around, grabbing my hand and place it on her waist...i know for a fact that she's not wearing anything under my big tee... The whole night i was trying to hold myself from touching her at places, if you know what i mean... I lean into her stomach and kiss it lightly.." Does it still hurt?" " It's not as bad as before but still hurts a little. "

"Well I'm sure it will heal soon My emmy..and I'm here if you ever need me " i says smiling at her as I stood up and kiss her lips... We deepen the kiss and Gosh i can kiss her forever and I'll never get tired of those lips... My hand runs up and down her beautiful body... And my lips went down her jaws to her neck kissing her lightly before I started to suck, bite and lick..cause Emily to let out a small moan

Suddenly Emily place her hands on my shoulder and push me on the bed..." Ooo you want it rough.. " I say smirking. "Well i do like it rough..but right now we got to get ready for school..." Emily says laughing.. I frown at her comment... "Aww i thought that maybe can skip school today..since you you're still hurting" i say giving her my best puppy dog eyes..

"Aww alii boo don't give me that face.. We are going to school and that's final.. The boys is going to get suspicious if i don't now get your cute butt ready for school" she says winking at me before walking off to the toilet.. "Emmmmmmyyyyy" i whine like a 5 years old...only to have Emily laugh at me..

After we were ready and dressed, i drove Emily and me to school with her car.. She still can't believe that i have can drive... "Ali.. Drive properly okay.. My baby is very beautiful and i don't want her hurt.. " i turn to glare at her.. " did you just call ur car baby.." " yeah her name is baby blue.. " she says with a cute smile..." Wow.. So your car is more important than your girlfriend i see.." "Girlfriend? Heh..i didn't know I had one... " she said.. " you just wait. Your girlfriend should be the only one you will be calling baby" I say with a smirk.." Oh ill be waiting aright"

Once we reached school, i parked her car at her usual spot, cut off the engine and quickly got to the other side opening the door for her. I place my hand out for her as i say.. "My lady.." She blushes and took my hand as she slowly got out of the car.. " aw you didn't have to" She says.. " but i wanted to, and always will.." I say smiling.. I lock the car and we both walked to the school entrance together.. I offered to carry her bag but she said she was fine.. Emily is wearing one of my hoodie with my family name on the back.. It's so oversize on her that it looks like a dress.. "I think you look super cute with my hoodie.. Reminds me of Ariana Grande.. Damn i don't how she does it but she makes a baggy hoddie look hot.."

" wow.. So i only look cute.. But Ariana is hot in this.. " she says stopping and followed her arms.. As she gives me a death glare.. Wow if looks could kill.."ermm what no..did i say she's hot i mean she's..shes..." " Ali.." " okay fine yeah shes hot alright.. But i only have my eyes set on one person.." I say turn at her.. "Who" i look into those deep brown eyes.. " I'm staring at her now... And i would never want anybody else... " i say with a smile...

Her smile grows bigger and she lean in to kiss me... " i love you.. " she whispers into my eyes.. " i love you too.. And always.." I whisper back.. "Okay come on lets go.. Or we are going to be late fore class.. " she says.. As we walk inside of school.. We stop right in front of the door..Everyone in school stop what they were doing and stare at us.. I felt all the nerves kicking in. What if Emily doesn't want to be seen with me.. What if her brothers don't want me hanging out with her.. What if her dad found out...

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