chapter 2: 1st day of school

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Ali's outfit for the day

Ali's outfit for the day

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Em's outfit for the day

Em's outfit for the day

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I woke up with the twins jumping on my bed..." omg can you both stop.. I'm trying to sleep here!" " Exactly.. mommy asked us to wake you up! Or you'll be late for the first day of school" CeCe says while Jason continues to jump on me.. "okay fine I'm up.. now get out I need to change!" I say playful pushing them out of my room.

I walk to school and when I reach I was greeted by my 3 best friend, Spencer the smart and mature one, Hanna the funny and girly one and finally Aria the creative and helpful one. "Hey guys" I say waving at them. But they didn't seem to notice I'm here because they're too busy in their only conversation.

"Your joking right..she can't be back.."Han say shaking her head. " Ya spence, maybe it's just a rumours..I mean our boyfriends would have told us if she was coming back, right .."  Aria say. " ya true, they would have told us.." Spencer reply. "Hello.. U guys know I'm fucking right here...right " I say slightly angry thinking they're just pretending not to see me. "Oh shit sorry Ali we didn't notice you there " spencer say, while holding the back of her head, and the other girls say their truly sorry. That's weird.. They always notice me, mostly spence and Han. Like every time I'm out they would spot me from afar... How could they not notice me.. "So who were you guys talking about ?" I ask them curiously while texting my Girlfriend. She told me she had a cheerleading meeting so she'll see me later . Yup my Girlfriend is a cheerleader captain and I'm the Soccer teams captain.

They didn't reply me so I went to turn and look at them, their jaw and eyes were slightly open and so was the rest of the people around us. I couldn't decide if it's was fear or shook in their eyes. I turn to the direction they are look at and saw a shiny black car that I've never seen before.. Shit this person must be rich. The doors open and Caleb came out of the driver side and Toby and Ezra came out of the passages side.. Caleb went to the other side of the driver seat, open the door and help a fucking beauty out of the car. I can't really see what she looks like because she's wearing sunglasses, but Gosh damn that body, she wear a fucking leather skirt that show of damn sexy legs..just by looking at it gets me so damn hard..

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