chapter 21: I won't give up

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A/N: since it was highly recommend I'm going to just continue here in this book..

4 months later...

Toby POV

"Okay she's on her way ! Let go out and wait for her.." Caleb says opening the door.. and we went out... excited to finally see her.. "what if she changed? " Hanna says. "I don't think she will Han" Spencer added..

The boys and I Told our girl friend everything that had happened.. "I feel like we should have told Alison she's back.." aria says.. "no babe..Emily says to not tell her..and we're going to listen.or our head would be died meat..." Ezra says.

The car arrive.. and the drive got out.. greeted us and open the back door.. "welcome back Emily!" We all say cheerfully...she turns her head..gave us a small smile and slowly got out of the car... And the drive close the door behind her..and when to get her things out from the back..

We all run up to Emily.. give her a hug..which caught her off guard.. "ouch..ah.. please guys could you let go.." she says sounding like in alot of pain.. which is weird.." did we hurt you ? " Hanna says as we all let go of her. "No no..just tired.." she says faking a smile..

"Princess.. I'm going to take my leave now.." the driver says.. "yes. Thank you " Emily says and driver nodded and drove off.. "let's we go in.." Emily says walking in with the girls.. and the boys and I help em carry her bag in..

After we place Emily's bag in the room we went down. Em's sit down on the sofa.. watching Tv with the girls... "So have you been.." Ezra say.. as we all sat down next to our girl friend.. "erm..I'm fine.." she says without removing her eyes from the screen.. "really? Emily" Caleb says.. and she just nod yes..

"What did that asshole ask you to do anyway?" Hanna suddenly bust out. "Hanna!" We all shouted at her.. "what?" She say cluelessly.. "I don't want to talk about.. "Emily says.. still not looking at us.. "Well at least that asshole allowed you to leave early.." She added.. "Omg hanna can you shut up.." My girl say, not wanting Emily to be upset.. "What?! Isn't kinda cool of Noel to let her leave..before 2 months.. "Hanna say.."oh my Gosh! Why can't you'll just stop talking about it..about him.. I just don't want to fucking talk about it! By the way..I've only gotten about 24 hours of sleep in the whole 4 months So if y'all excuse me I'm going to sleep.. " she says angry..and walk up the stairs... Leaving all of us speechless..


The next day I woke up feeling very had for snapping at them.. I shouldn't have..well I'll apologise to them I guess I better get ready for school.. I change into a loose fit black sweater with a white ripped jeans..

I grab my bag and went down the stairs.. and the boys turned to look at me.. unsure of what they should say or do.. "good morning.." I say trying to give them a small smile.. and they return back a big smile and a good morning... And Toby went to the refrigerator and grab me a packet drink.. except this one is different from what they sell in the store.. it's a blood inside.."thank you.." I poked the straw in and started less the a few seconds..I drank it all dry..which I hardly ever do..

And the boys look at me all shock.. "what? Let go..I don't want to be late.." I says walking out and into the car, I wait in the backseat as they lock the front door and get in the car..

Ezra drove us to school.. and as soon as he park the car and cut off the engine..their girlfriends started walking towards us.. we all got out and the boys went to greet there girls..and when the girls were done.. they all looked at me..

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