Chapter 29: War for blood

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Emily pov

Today was pretty cloudy so it was a favor for Spencer since she can't be under the sun.. We played a few games with the twins before deciding to take a break..It's currently 4.30 pm.. I hold on to Jason and Cece hands as I walk out of my house and toward their mother who is sitting by a tree on a picnic mat..  "Thank you for bringing them to the washroom Emily "their mother say when we reach the mat " its no problem jessica.. " I said smiling. "mommy I'm hungry " Cece whine.." me too.." Jason agreed.  I turn to look at see my girlfriend and my friend busy talking and passing the soccer ball.. Maybe they are done eating.. Well, it's not like my brother will eat all of this.. I thought as i look at all the food in front of me..

"Haha I guess all those playing got the little one all hungry," I said tapping their head..the twins actually played with the rest even Cece.. And even though the rest went easy on them to my surprise both are actually pretty job at soccer just like their sister.. Hm i wonder where they got it from..maybe their dad.. " yup I guess so two.. Well they left plenty of food for y' little monkey come sit down and eat "  Jessica say.. "Mommyyy we are not monkey stoppp" they whine and pout.. "Okay okay fine come and eat.." She said and the twin immediately sat and starteding eating the sandwich that spencer made.. "emily come join us" the twin says together

I was about to reply when I see my beautiful girlfriend walking towards us.."hey babe.. What's up?" "Hello my gorgeous girl friend.. The rest decide to play a game together but we need an even number. So wanna join us?" She say placing her arms around my waist and her chin on my shoulder. " sure babe.. I don't mind.. " I says "sorry kids.. Y'all enjoy your snack kay.. I'll go play with the rest.." I say as i grab my girl's hands.. "Okiee Emmy!"Ali and i hold hand and walk towards the big plain field in front of the picnic mat.

Once we reach the rest we decide to split into teams... Boy in one and girls in the other.. And apparently Alison is in the boy team.. My girlfriend has a not so little boy in her pants.. " okay lets play!" Caleb shouted.. " we are going to kick your ass babe! " Alison shouted.. " oh really?" I say rising my brows.. " oh my love have you forgotten that im the captain of the school soccer team?" Alison says with a smirk.." And oh my love have you forgotten that im one of the strongest person on earth " i say with a smirk as i mock her.. Her smirk turn to a frown "oh it's on! " she says sternly..

its our final game now.. Both teams are on ties.. It was a really intense games..and to be honest im so exhausted.. Ezra has the ball at the moment and Spencer is trying her best to get the ball from him.. But he divert and kicks the ball to Toby who i was blocking.. But he kicks too hard  that it went flying to my tummy.. Before Toby or i can react the ball hit me causing me to collapse to the ground as holding my tummy in pain as i cry.. " shit emilyy!" Toby quickly got down.. I continue holding myself and before i knew it everyone is around me.. 

"Aria can you please go to my bag and bring it here." Alison say in a hurry."huh? For what?" She question "please don't ask too much just go take!" Alison basically shouted at her.. And aria immediately runs always.." emily babe i need you to slowly lie down for me.." Alison says as she squats down to my level.. " it hurts.." I cry.. "I know babe.. But we need to clean it.. " i slowly nod my head and did what she said.. Alison slowly help me to lay down on the grass.. She took off her shirt and folded it and place it as a pillow for my head..

" what the hell is going on!? " Ezra finally said.." Come one Em are you kidding.. I didn't even hit that hard for fuck sake.. " ezra says rolling his eyes.. "shut the fuck up Ezra!" Toby shouted.. Shit I've never seen toby curse at ezra before.. Which obviously is true cause Ezra jaw drop.. Once i was lay flat.. I see aria standing next to Alison and pass her the bag.. Alison then passes it to toby and she went to grab the hem of my shirt.. Before she could pull it up.. I grab her hand.. "Emily.. I need to check.." She says sternly.. " i know..but but.. They will know.." I say softly " we will know what?" Celeb asks.."i know babe.. But i don't think you can hide this any longer.. Plus i really need to check on them "

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