chapter 25: you save me princess

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Ali pov

I walked around looking for something to when I felt someone grab my ass.. I quickly turn around to see the hell dares to fucking touch me.. "You.." I say glaring at her.. "Hello sweetieee" she says winking at me.. " what do you want.." I say in a slightly rude.."i miss you.. I miss us.. And mostly importantly i miss this.." She say as she reaches her hand out for my member..

"Well i don't miss it a if you'd excuse me I want to order my food.." I say as i slap her hand away and try to walk past her..But she place her hands on my check and pull our lips together.. I wanted to push her away but she grab me tightly and kiss me even harder.. Her hands slowly goes down my body touching me in all the right places..Ahhh fuck.. i should really stop this...but but part of me doesn't.... I feel myself getting harder and harder..

I was about to pull her into the nearest washroom when  walk past us so quickly that she or he almost bump into us.. I quickly push away from the kiss to see who it was... I know that walk..i know that back.. I know its her.. Emily..she she saw.. Oh no.. I push the girl away and was abt to run after Emily..but that bitch held on to my arm.. "Where are you going? We're not done.." " no! We are done here.. Don't you ever dare kiss me or touch again" i say trying to pull my arm away but she held on to it pretty tight...and of course she is stronger then me.. She's a vampire...

" let go of me now." I demand. "No Alison.. You're mine now" she say with an evil smile.. " No.I'm not Let go... Or I swear i'll-" "you'll what won't like this before that slut came back...and  I've been patient with you for so long Alison...but now i have enough... Emily doesn't want you...but i do... And your mine now... There's nothing you can do about it.." She says as her face staring to look more evil then before and grab me so tight it started to hurt like shit.. I swear it feels like she can break it anytime..

"Follow me.." She say as she contiues to hold me arm, walk away as she pull my arm "no! let me the fuck go Pigskin!" I shouted loudly stopping her from pulling me... She turn to face me, rise her hand... I close my eyes getting ready for what's coming.. But felt nothing.. I open my eyes...she came back for me.. Emily held on to pagie arms stopping her from slapping me... "She said let go.. So now  you let go.." Emily simply and calmly say.. "Bitch who do you think you are?!" She says before let go of me and turning around, to punch Emily..but she douge the punch..and once pagie  realize who she was talking to and almost punch. Pigskin turn pale and white.. " now you have nothing to say huh pigskin.."

"Dont call me that!" She shouted.. "Okay sure.. Why do you want to be call then..bitch.. Slut..whore?? You chos-" but before Emily could finish pigskin punch Emily in the gut..causing her to knee down on the floor.. Holding on to her stomach.. What's going.. Does it really hurt that badly? I could see the guys getting up and about to attack pigskin.. But Emily stood up quicky.. And gave a kick to pigskin.. Causing her to go flying to the chairs.. Making a mess in the cafeteria.. "Whats going on here?!" Our principle shouted..with bunch of teachers standing behind him.. "Nothing.." Emily say grabbing her stomach... She looks like shes in a lot of pain... "Lets go princess.." She whisper softly to me..

At first i didn't want to follow.. But heck it i rather follow emily then that pigskin any day... I look at Emily and she just put out her hand out as she look straight ahead with no expression.. I grab her hand and she started walking out of the school ignoring the prinicple.. The teachers.. The guys and our friends..and  All the whispers.. We walk out the school to her car.. Our hands still holding on to each other... Fuck.. I miss this so much.. I miss how good and how perfect our hands are together... Its like its like her hands fits in my mine like its made just for me...

Once we reach her car..She took out her key with her free hand and unlock the door opening it for me.. I got in without hesitating.. She close the door behind me and walk to the diver side... She open the door, and slowly get in.. I could see that shes struggling a lot... Like shes hurt.. Her stomach.. " is everything okay? Do you need help?" I ask softly.. "No. Im good.. " she says monotone.. What's up with her.. Im just trying to be nice..she dont have to be such a-. "Thanks for asking anyways.. But i can manage.. " she say giving me a short small she finally buckle herself in.. I think she notice my change in mood...

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