Chapter 6: she's a loving goddess

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Ali pov

Now is lunch break and spencer, aria and I were waiting for Hanna at the table. "Ali where's you jacket?" Aria ask look at my outfit. "Oh Emily is wear it. Mona-" I was cut off my spencer saying "is going to flip.." " ya I know.. But it was her fault.." I say drinking my ice tea. "What you mean?" She asked. " Long story short, Mona slip tea on her and she didn't have a shirt or a bra on for that I give her my jacket" I say. " wait you saw her naked ?" Spencer with her face all shock. "Yes spencer" I say and roll my eyes as if it's not a big deal but boy oh boy it was... She is the most fucking hottest girl I have ever seen.." What's her nipple piercings? Everyone say she has but no one knows what it is." Aria asked.

"Oh she has one and it a vampire teeth" I say..Gosh those nipples... I could just suck on them all day and all night.. I want to bite and lick..fuck Ali stop!! She's your fucking boss and you have Mona.. Oh see what not having sex do to you.. Now I'm damn horny.. Luckily I'm wearing a baggy sweatpants today.. "Wow classy.. Anyways Ali Han, Ari and I were hoping you could do us a favour?" spencer say "what ?" I say looking at the both of them.." Well you know that we haven't hang out with our Boyfriend in like forever right.." Aria say.. Shit I think I know where this is going.. "And the boys ask the three of us to go on a triple date with them..but we can't because-" "Emily?" I say cutting her off and the both of them just nod.

"So what do you 3 want me to do?" I ask even if I already sorta know. "Take her out maybe?" Aria answer me with a question. "Just like a casual hung out or something not a date" Spencer added. " oh my Gosh you guys.. I can't.. Mona will be so mad that I give the jacket to Emily and she'll definitely not allow me to go hung out with her.. Plus she's my boss" I say waving my hands around like crazy. Spencer was about to say something when Hanna came running in " guys! Ali! come you need to see this!" She shouted as she quickly grab my hand and pull me to the hall way.

Em pov

It's lunch time and I was making my way out of school so I can meet my Brother at our usual meeting spot, it is in the woods behind the school. No one ever goes there, so we could talk about private things and for them.. Drink blood.. But suddenly a body tackle  and Attack me from behind.. I couldn't see who it was so I used my werewolf scent.. "What the fuck Mona! Get the fuck of me!" I shout as I try to get her off but she wouldn't. Every was crowding around us.. Where the fuck is my brothers when you need them..She started struggling my neck and trying to unzip the jacket off.. I try to come myself as much as I could.. I won't want to transform and kill her right in front of the whole school. But I still need to get this bitch. Since she was behind me, with a lot of force I let myself fall backwards causing her to hit the floor hard and with me adding on the pressure.  I got myself of her grip and stood on my feet as I watch her on the floor with blood all over her mouth. "What's your fuck problem Mona!?" I shouted at her still very angry, my eye flicking from brown to red.. She was about to answer when "what the fuck is going on here!?" Ali shouted at the side. Oh crap i hope she didn't see all of that..

" Ali baby, s..she throw me to the floor and now my mouth is bleeding" Mona says all innocent.. "No I didn't That's a fucking lie! She Attack me.." I say rising my voice, looking at Ali. She look at me then back to Mona, "why are you lying to me Mona?" "I'm not your boss Attack me first just cause I accidentally spilled tea on her this morning" Mona say pouting and trying to hug Ali but she moved away. " Mona, you and I both know that what happened in the morning wasn't an accident and I know how Emily gets when she is anger.. But I believe her..she didn't started it.." Alison say forcefully she believes me.. "What are you saying you rather believe your boss then your Girlfriend?!" Mona rises her voice. "Mona.. I fucking saw you.. Struggling and trying to strip her like a mad women .. This is about the jacket isn't it?" Ali say folding up her hands.."don't call that Alison , and yes this is about the jacket.. How could you let her wear it when you don't even let your fucking Girlfriend wear ! She's wearing something that has your name on it Ali..something that means a lot to you..don't I mean I a lot to you?" Mona shouted and started crying like crazy..and everyone in the school is looking at us, even my brothers and the Teachers. Alison Went up to Mona give her a tight hug and kissed her forehead

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