chapter 20: live without you

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"I never change do you... princess Emilie.." I was about to say something when Toby place his hand on my mouth. "Your majesty..what do we own this pleasure.." Ezra say nicely.. and then Toby remove his hand as I give him a death glare. 

"Well..I came to see my beautiful daughter of course. And check how's she's doing.." he says smiling proudly.. "well she's isn't here so be on your way out.." I says in a harsh tone as I point at the door.. "oh Emilie .. don't be like that.. aren't you happy to see me?" "Delighted.." I whisper even if I know he could here it..

"What are you real here for anyways...stop wasting our time.." I says while rolling my eyes. "well someone told me that you're dating again. And well I'd love to meet him.." he says smiling. Noel..... He real did tell him.... "Or should I say her?" He says with a frown.."ever since I  move out who date is not your business.. "

"Well it becomes my business when my daughter turned an animal and kill one of the richest vampire's werewolf guard! " He shouted very loudly.."and for what!? Her human girlfriend!" At the same time he grab a vase near him and throw it across the room....

I tried my best to stay my ground and not try not to do something that I'll regret...and my brother got close to me protecting me.. suddenly I saw his eyes.. changed before me... it's was like before.. before my mom..die "Oh...why..why would you do that..huh tell me...I gave you everything.. everything you need.." He says calmly

"Oh my sweet Emmy.. please tell me why?" He says in a tone that I've never heard in a long time... And call me Emmy... after all this years.. "daddy... This is me...I'm both vamp and wolf..I can't help it..I can't continue to push away the fact at my mother was a werewolf..and I am too"I says brokenly and Caleb pull me into his chest like a was a child again...

"But Emmy why. Why can't you just forget about it... forgot about cause I did..and you should too.." " can I...she was murder.. right Infront of my eyes...and I love her.." I says as hot wet tears roll down my cheeks and Caleb holding me tightly like a baby..

"And you think I didn't love her.... Em I love your mother more then words could explain...but your mom is a werewolf.. I had to do it had to be done..."then he stopped.. realizing that he said too much.."what ...what did had to do..." I says pulling myself away from a caleb and clearing all the tears on my face...

"Look Emmy..dear I can explain.." "then explain.." "it was ages ago... The vampires and werewolves were at war...and I was the one leading the vampires...the war was bad..alot of our men's  were dieing..and we need a something to win the your grandfather, my dad...sent me to kill the werewolf king's only daughter..and that will stop him from ever trying to beat I went to look for her..but when our eyes meet...we..."

" fall in love? you're saying my mom is a princess too" I added. "Yes..she was...and I was so in love I couldn't kill her...just couldn' we decided to run away together...and start our own family far away from our kind...and that's how we had you..But" "but what. "

" But one day, my dad found me.. telling me that they were going to lose the war...and told me if I manage to help them win this war..I would be crown king for sure..not caring about my brother.. and I became greedy... I've always wanted to become I did what had to be done.. " he says looking down guilty...

"Are...are you saying were the one who...who..killed my mom.." I say all broken as a tear drop down.."emmy..sweety it's complic-" "SHUT UP! And don't ever call me could you...and you were there am I right... you're the one that pin me down..." I feel my fangs growing out..

"Emilie calm down . I had to do it, I had no choice"  "BULLSHIT! You called me a life sucking demon...but guess what you're so much worse that! Now get out of my house!" I I feel myself transforming..

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