chapter 4: a girl who wants a heart

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It's been about a 2 weeks or so, that I've been working with Emily.. to my surprise its not what I thought it would be like being an assistant to powerful and rich Business woman..I mean you'd expect her to boss you around all the time, give you shit loads to do and lastly take advantage of you.. but with Emily it's different.. she mainly just me to arrange things, tell her what's her schedule for the day, reminding her things and maybe once in awhile ask for an Americano..

But come to think of it she's been very different around me lately.. after I sorta kiss her.. she's been avoiding me which is weird cause I'm her assistant.. like whenever she ask me to arrange files in her office, she'll make a lame excuse about how she has somewhere to be.. when I know her schedule.. and when I ask her about it she'll remind me about rule 4 .. privacy.. I don't but I got a feel she doesn't want to be alone with me.. she hasn't even said anything flirty to me or call me by the nicknames she gave me.. and that kind of upset me cause even thought I hate being call by girly names like princess.. so how when Emily says it I don't seem to mind.. I actually like it..

I like how she was so protective.. the way she threatened her brothers... About hurting me... I was so bloody scared but at the same so turn on by the fact some one is standing up for me. I don't know why but that day she showed that I was important to her.. But now she's treating me like a stranger..maybe she's just play with me.. Maybe she is really heartless like everyone says she is... No I don't believe that..No she was so nice.. It can't be..

Today is Tuesday So I'm sitting at the table with Emily and the boys in the canteen, I only sit with them on Tuesday and Thursday cause that's the only day they would come to the canteen.. we are silently eating our lunch.. well more like Emily and I eating.. weirdly, I never noticed this before, but the boys don't eat anything.. they just sit there and talk or play their phones.. but never eat or drink anything at all.. I wonder why?.. should I ask?.. I mean what's wrong with ask that am I right..


Ali and I were eating silently with the boys playing on their phones till Alison decided to break it.. " why don't you boys eat anything during lunch break? Won't you get hungry?" The boys look up from their phone, look at each other..not really sure what to say... I can see they are look at me to say something.. but I just didn't feel like it so Toby did " well we're not like Emily here.. we hate canteen food.. plus we always have a heavy breakfast before we come to school"

Well that's not completely a lie... They do hate canteen food well simply because it's human food.. vampire don't need anything except blood.. since we spent most of our lives in the castle, drinking just blood, they're not not use to eating human unlike all this normal vampires in Rosewood..

" Oh I see, but Emily if you like canteen food then why do you only come on Tuesday and Thursday?" She say reaching for my hand but I move it before she could touch me.. I turn to look at her and I can see the change in her expression. But I didn't care I just continue eating.." Oh Em only like the steaks here and they only sell them on those two days" Toby response for me, truthfully.. unlike my brothers, I got to eat both meat and blood.. but since I'm part wolf I don't really like drinking blood, but my brothers force me to drink them because I won't be able to heal fully without them. She just nodded her head and continue eating.. Thank goodness..

After a while she lifted her head and her face started to light up. She got up and started run to the direction behind me.."Ben!! Your back!! I've miss you.."  What the fuck... " did she just say BEN ?" I say look at my brothers. I turn around and saw the fucking Son of a bitch hands around my Alison waist going down slowly to her ass.. "No Emily..don't" the boys say but too late.. I grab hold his shirt and peel him out of Alison embrace and punch him in his face. "What the fuck!" Ben shouted not know its me.. When he open his eyes and when he saw me his eyes widen "E..Emily back" he say holding on to his bleeding nose. "Yes I'm back bitch..btw that was for trying to touch Alison ass and this is for everything " I say, kicking him on the chest causing him to fall backwards hard on the floor. I walk up to him and place my foot on his neck, looking deadly into that asshole eyes.. I can feel my eyes starting to get red..

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