chapter 7: her to love me

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Yesterday was amazing.. after work Emily took me to this restaurant it had the most delicious steak I've ever eaten.. we talked about so many things..told her what happened to my dad... My twins previous friends.. come to think of it I did most of the sharing.. all I found out about her was that her mother died when she was younger.. and that she and her brothers lives somewhere in the woods alone.. I wanted to ask what had happened to her mother.. or about her father..but since they all live alone and she didn't brought it up..I just guessed it was a touchy subject.

I walk in and saw Emily and boys at their table and as usual Emily is the only one eating.. and 2 steak again.. didn't she had like 3 yesterday.. wow this girl can eat.. and does she only eat meat or something.. I've never seen her touch vegetables...

" Hi Emily. Hi boys" I say taking a seat next to Emily. The boys said hi at the same time before returning back to their phones.. probably texting their girlfriends.. heard they all had fun..if you know what I mean.. " hi Ali" Emily say turning to face me giving me a cute smile. " Oh ya I almost forgot.. I baked for you all cookies" I say reaching in my bag for the cookies. I open the bag and the boys just look at each before grabbing a cookie each.. I think Emily told them to be nice to me.. which made me happy. Toby was about to place it in his mouth but Emily knock it off.

" WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOUR DO!" Emily shouted..I'm really sure, if it was to me or Toby but everyone in the canteen jumped. "I'm eating the cookie that Alison baked Em" Toby stating the obvious. " No.. don't eat them" Emily say grabbing the cookies from the boys throw it to the floor and step all over it.

"Emily what the hell" I say in shock.. why.. would she do that.." ARE YOU CRAZY ALISON! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED THEM!" She shouted at me which scared so badly that I started crying "Em what are you taking about..?" Caleb ask reaching for em mean toby was trying to calm me down "There's fucking garlic in that ? You guys should be thanking me!" Emily says loudly. " W..what is s..she taking about.." I ask shakily. " We are all highly allergic to garlic" Toby answer me while rubbing my back.

What.. how was I supposed to know when she doesn't tell me anything .. "I'm sorry! I didn't know okay but you didn't have to treat me like some kind of dog!" I shouted crying, before getting away from there..


Shit.. I just did that to Ali..I just scared her.. in her own words.. treated her like a dog.. and I shouldn't have..I know how it feels, my father did it all the time.. without a minute I grab the cookies on the table and her bag and ran after her. I follow her all the way into the woods. What the hell is wrong with her.. why does she always go to the wood when she's upset.. it's fucking dangerous in there, I would know..

Finally she stopped, I watch her sit on the big rock and started pouring her eyes out. I slowly walk up to her..and she finally notice me.. " Em..why did you follow me.. I need some time alone." She says wiping off her tears but more just kept rolling down. I took a cookie and eat it. Surprisingly it taste not bad.. this is the first I've actually tried a cookie but I bet this will be the best. " wow this is really good.. you're so talented.. I can't cook for shit.. " I say getting another one and pop it in my mouth. " I thought you said you guys were allergic.. you all lying to me now.. " she say as stand up and leave but I grab her hand a little to strong causing her to sit on my lap.

"Look Ali.. I'm sorry for the way I treated you.. I didn't mean it..the boys are allergic, but I'm not.. actually this is the first time I've ever ate a cookie.. and it's really good.. I guess I just get over protective of the people that means alot to me.. " I say looking away as I hold her on my lap. "You haven't eaten a cookie before" she say in shock.. "wow that's all you got from all that" I say slightly laughing but stop still disappointed at myself for treating Ali like shit...

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