chapter 19: princess Emile

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Next day..


The boys drove in their car while Em and I drove in hers...they park in their usual...and as soon as emily cut off the engine..she got out of the car when to the other side and open the door for me...

"Thanks babe..but you should let me open the doors for you.." "Ali..I'm just treating my princess right.." she says winking at me as she help me out the car....with my face all red..this girl can never stop turning me red..

When the boys are all out the car..we head towards the girls, who are standing next the entrance.. on our why there wasn't that quite.. everyone keep eyeing and talking about emily being gay.. as em and I are still holding hands..

I'm sure em and the boys notices it...but somehow she and them chose to just ignore it.. when we reach the girl...em and I greeted them while  the boys went to kiss their girlfriends...

"Yo emily...." We all turned around..oh it's just the idiot we all hate.."you step any closer, asshole.and your dead meat." Ezra say forcefully.. and emily just deadly glare at him.. well..and so did the rest even me..

"Wow wow.. chill bro. I just wanted to talk to my very good friend here.. princess Emile.."he say with his very stupid smirk. "Don't fucking call me tell me what you want or I'll kick your ass.." Emily says angrily..

"Oops sorry my bad..I thought that I should call you that since you family paid alittle visit to your previous home last night.." he smirk even widely..I saw a slight fear out of Emily but she cover it up by grabbing on to noel's collor.."you didn't.." I place my hand on her arm... signaling for her to let go..and she listened  "oh yes I did..and must I say.. nothing still looked as beautiful as it use too.."

I can literally see emily burning in anger.."we're done here.. let's go.." Em say.. pulling me and the rest into School, walking really fast..

We all slip into your different class...the whole entire..I couldn't help but think of what Noel said this morning...did he tell Emily's father about us?... Is Emily in trouble?.. I could see how disturb she was about it just now...I'm sure something is going to happen. I hope it's nothing very bad...

When it was lunch.. I spot emily and the rest seated on table... talking away..but when I reach there they all suddenly stop talking.. "oh there you are ali...I already got you, your favorite. " Emily says smiling.. "thanks babe. " I say.. leaning in to give her a kiss... When my lips touched hers..I heard...loud whispers around us... "I'm sorry. " I say, remove my lips from her straight away..


"Why are you apologizing for?" I says looking all confused at me.."for..for kissing you.." she says looking down in embarrassed. "the fuck..I can't that freak Alison tried to kiss Emily...think Emily would have so much better time with then with some girl with a small dick..." One of the boys...near by say to the rest.. .my blood started to dare he talks about my girl like that....I know Ezra say to keep our relationship a low profile..but I can't help it..I need to defend my girl..they are hurting her and I can't just sit her and watch

I angrily got up from my sit..and Alison quickly grab my arm before I can walk to at asshole.. "Em... Please..let go. Don't listen to them." Alison says the group of boys continue to talk shit about my girl friend.."i can't.." "you you didn't listen to them this morning..just let go Emmy.." she begs.. "emily..  just listen know he's going to come for you.."

"Ezra I can't just sit here and watch them talk shit about my way no one..I mean no one talks shit about my girlfriend.." I say loudly. Alison nods her head and let go of me..."just don't kill anyone.." "no promises my love.." I says winking

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