Chapter 9: just be yourself

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Ali pov

It's been about a 9 days now.. Since I've last heard or seen Emily.. And fuck..I miss her like crazy...I currently now sitting down on my desk with is next to Emily's.. And way smaller.. The boys are round the big table in the center going through papers again.. Omg it's so boring without Emily..bossing me around..all I'm ask to do is answer boring right..

"Ring ring.." Oops duty calls, I answer the phone putting on loud speaker saying "hi this is EC Jewelry, Emily's office how may I help you?" " I need to talk to princess Emile" a men with a Low voice says. The boys turn their heads and look at me with theirs eyes wide and face pale as as if they seen a ghost.. " sorry sir.. Their is no one her with the name princess Emile... Do you mean to say Emily sir?" " No! Who are you..I want to talk to princess Catherina Emile now!.." He says loudly, rudely and forceful... Who the fuck he think he is... "I'm Emily's assistant sir.. And I suggest you do not-" " ah your majesty what a lovely day to have hear from you" Ezra says cut time off.. " Esdras.. How can Emile 's assistant know her own boss name.." What the fuck is he talking about..."she's new your majesty..." Caleb replied. " ah chaleb.. I'm assuming Tobais is there with you too.." What? What is he call all of them by different names.. "Yes your majesty.. I'm here too" And why the world is the boys talking to him like he's a king.."right .. Now where is Emile.. I need to talk to her.." "Your majesty Emile is not here at the moment.." Esdras..i mean Ezra answer.. "What! Then where is she?" He shouted.."we are not sure your majesty " Toby reply.. "Ah that princess roll around on grass and dirt.." Wait what now.. Princess Catherina Emile is Emily...??? "We are sorry your majesty.. We will ask her to call you back when we see her.." Ezra reply.." Like you think she will.. Whatever I need to go now anyways ... Nice hearing your voices the way her assistant better not be human .." With that he just hang up the call. What.. I better not be a human... What..

Toby pov

I can't fucking believe this.. He called after about a then he call.... " who is he? And why did he call Emily..princess Catherina Emile? And why the hell did he call you all different names..?" Ali say moving my hands wildly confuse to what the hell is going on.. "He is-"Ezra opens his mouth to speak but the phone started ringing.. I quickly pick up the phone and put it to my ears.. Not allowing ali to listen.." Your majesty we -" "shut up Toby it's me.." "Emily.." I say loudly and everyone stare at me.."Where the hell have you been Emily? Why don't you come home...We..Ali has been worried sick.. And by the way The king called asking to talk to you.. " I saying know how Emily hate us calling him his dad.. " look Toby I'm fine alright...I don't know why but I keep changing to my wolf form... So I can't be around ...and I know he called.." "Wait how did you know.." I say screeching my head... " look up.." I look up and so as the boys.. Since they can hear Emily perfectly fine.. " see that camera.. Ya that's how I know.." " oh " that's all I could say.." Okay I need to got to go...I'm going to change anytime now.. And you, Ezra or Caleb do not tell her anything.." " what do except us to say then.."

"nothing...bye.." And with that she hang up on me..omg...why is she like this.. "Omg was that Emily is she okay... Is she coming back?" Ali ask get next to me.. "Ya she's fine ... But she's doesn't know yet went will she be back.." "What why?... Why don't you guys tell me anything.. Who the hell was that guy just now calling you all call different names and Emily princess.. And why the world can't Emily just come home..I know what I did was wrong but she doesn't have to keep running away from me...I just Want to say I'm sorry..I didn't mean it.."Ali say with her eyes starting to get teary.."aw Ali..we wish we can tell you but we can't.. Emily will kill literally" I say giving her a big hug and squeezing her tightly.. Causing her to giggle.. "Hey Ali why do you take a walk home and rest for the day..when Em is really to tell you she will alright ..." Caleb say while I let go of her.. She nodded her head and gave as a small smile..I knew having a human as her assistant is a bad idea ..Ezra send a mind massage to both me a Caleb.. Ya Toby Ezra is right..the king will not be pleased if he finds out... Caleb added.. We all says our goodbyes to Alison and she left still quite loss and upset.. "Guys I know.. But Emily wants ali to be her assistant.. And there is nothing we can do about it... Let's just hope Emily don't keep her in the dark for too Long.. And the kind don't find out.." I said out loud and they just nodded, going back to work..

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