chapter 5: see you later

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Emily outfit for the day

Alison outfit for the day

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Alison outfit for the day

With a black and white lettermen jacket with the capital A in front and "Alison" at the back

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With a black and white lettermen jacket with the capital A in front and "Alison" at the back.

A few days later.

"Hi Ali!" Hana, Aria and spencer all say at the same time. "Hey ladies " I say,walking towards them at our usual spot in front of school. "Oh my Gosh you would not believe what happened to me yesterday.. " I say standing in front of them. "What?" Spencer asked. "Well last night, after Mom and I had a fight at fucking 12 midnight..I needed fresh air so I went into the woods. And as I was" but Hanna cut me off. " what the fuck.. You went into the woods at midnight.. Did anything happen?!.." Hanna say in a shock and worried tone. "Yes I did Hanna now let me finish.. So I went in to the woods, I literally feel like someone was looking at me but I didn't care.. But all of a sudden the big tree branch on top of me broke and it start to fall... I thought I was going to get smash or killed by it ..But something pushed me away from my spot and when I turn to look at it.. You wouldn't believe what I saw.. " 

"what did you see Ali?" Aria asked. " it was a big wolf, lying underneath the branch.. It save my life..I wanted to help it out but it didn't need it.. It lifted itself and carry the branch on it's back and threw it to the side.." I say and all their eyes widen in shock.. "You don't believe me do you?" I continue.. "No we do it's just so unexpected you know.." Spencer says quickly.. " what colour was it, the wolf ?" "I don't really know it was kinda dark..but it had a mixture of black, grey, white and a hint of brown.." I say trying to recall what it look like. "Wow I've never seen those colour in one wolf yet in rosewood"Hanna said very softly but I still heard her..what the hell is she talking about..."What happened after?" Aria asked loudly getting my attention.

"Well I noticed that it was in pain so I move closer to it and check.. Then I was it had a cut on it's front leg..I was about to touch it but it looked at me in the eyes before disappearing into the woods..." "Ali! You just can't fucking touch a wolf..Or go near it for that matter it could have ripped you apart!" Hanna says loudly and forcefully. "Hanna chill.. Okay Ali what Hanna is saying that you shouldn't be in the woods in the first place, you could've gotten hurt.. And that wolf can be dangerous." Spencer say calmly. "I know spencer I'm sorry..I won't go into the woods again.. But I really don't think that wolf is dangerous.." I say looking at them. "Ali most wolf are very dangerous unless you know them very well.." Says Hanna. " well Han... This one save my life..what wolf would safe a human life.. Plus there's something about it's eyes.. It like I've seen it before from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it...It beautiful.." I say but then again the girls look at each other, having like a inside conversation by just their eyes.."what are you girls doing" I ask looking at them. "Nothing" the all say at the same time.. Weird..

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