Chapter 28 : A family

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Ali pov

2 weeks have passed, Emily and I became again the power couple in school. Everyone seems to have no problem with it.. And we haven't heard anything from noal or Emily's father. Thank God cause right now Emily and I are very happy.

It's currently the 1st day of the holiday, Emily and I cuddle up to each other on the sofa watching her favorite tv show. "Ali babe.." "Yes my Emmy?" "Have you talk to your mom about that nightmare? " she says turning to look at me. "Yeah.. I called her a week ago asking her about it.. " I say. "Ohh okie what did she say?" She says tilling her head. " nothing much.. She said she doesn't know.. But it sounds like she's hiding something. " i say looking at my beautiful girlfriend.."how do you know that?" she is laying next to me with her shirt halfway up, showing her bandage tummy..

"I just feel it..Emmy baby? Why is your tummy still wrapped up? Shouldn't it be almost healed by now" i ask tilling my head.."ermm.. Okie it's a funny story.." She says nervously as she covers herself. "Well do tell.." I say folding my arms and rising my brows at her.." fine.. So the boys and i were playing basketball and well Caleb accidentally hit my tummy and cause the cut to open up. But it's okay, they didn't notice it and it will close up soon" she quickly answered. "Emily... You need to be more careful.. You should be doing this super active things till it fully heals.." I complain.

"I know babe.. But I can't just not play with them. They will figure something up." She pouts at me.. Yes, Emily has not told them yet about all those cuts.. In fact, she hasn't even told me what really happens in the castle. " babe will you tell what happen to you?" I ask slowly.. She turns to look at me and gave me a sad smile.. "I will. But i am still not really.. I'm sorry princess.. I'll tell when-" i stop her by kissing her lips "when you are ready." I completed her sentence.

"Now Emmy tell me when was the last time you drank?" I say raising my eyebrows.. "Haizz what are you my mother?" She says shaking her head. "No I'm not.. I am your girlfriend.. Now tell me when is the last time u drank blood?" "Ermm not long ago" she gives me a weird smile.. "Emmy..." I warn. " ok fine 2 weeks ago" she says "what Emily! So the last time was when you drank from me?" She shakes her head slowly and gives me an adorable smile..

"Emily!" I say sitting up right.. Which cause Emily to sit up too.." i know i should have drunk some blood but it's just hard you know.. Plus nothing can ever top yours " she says with a smirk and wink. I shake my head again and took off my top.. "Ali what are-" "drink me" i say turning my head. "Ali babe i can't do that." " well you did it once, you can do it again. And like you said no blood can top mine right.. Then just drink from me. " i say leaning my neck toward Emily's mouth. "But all i don't need it now..and A..ali what if i can't stop, you can-" " Emily.. I know you will stop okie now this is your punishment for not drinking.. So  shut up drink me Emmy "

Emily nods her head, open her mouth and sink her fangs into my neck..i slowly lie down as she gets on top of me, I feel her fangs piercing veins as she sucks on me.. I close my eyes as the love of my life drink from me. After a short while, Emily pulls away and lick my neck dry as i let out a short small moan..  It's kinda cool how the area that Emily suck on will turn into a bruised mark, like a hickey.. A vampire hickey.. "Hmm baby i forgot that you taste so good.." She says licking my blood off her lips... "You look damn hot right now.." I say as she straddles me.. "Ooo is my ali boo in a mood for some games.." She say in a smirk..

"Ha ha just shut up and kiss me!" "Your wish is my command my princess" she says before attacking my lips with wet kisses. I place my hand on her hips as she places hers tangling my hair.. "Hmm alii.. Babeee i need you.. " she moans as she pulls away from the kiss and started to rock her hips with her sitting right on top of my members.. This is turning me on so bad.. I feel myself starting to get hard..

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