chapter 23: leave with you

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Emily pov

After I exit my building...  I ran as fast I could into the woods..which is not as fast I use to.. Cause it will hurt like shit... . I finally reached the lake that alison meet my wolf side...  I kneel down infront of the water... And burst into tears..

I can't fucking believe I just said those words to her.... I could see the pain in those beautiful eyes of hers... It just hurt me to see her hurting... And especially when I'm the cause of it

Why can't I just make up with her... And love her until there's no tomorrow...i have never feel this close.. And have so much love to anyone else, other then my mom...but Emily.. This is the only way to keep her safe and protected... I'll never ever.. Let Ali go though what I when through...

I had enough strength to stop what they were doing to me... But I couldn't fight them... I had to follow and obey like some dog... As I wouldn't know  if what I do in the castle will effect Alison in rosewood.... I know the boys will protect her... But still... The boys can't confirm that they'll keep her safe from any harm....

I mean... Look at me... I promise  her that I'd protect her... But I failed miserably..i can't put her through any other danger... I just can't.. I love her too much...

As I wipe of my tears.and look at my reflection in the water... I was my hybrid side.... I grab hold of the nearest stone and throw it at my reflection... Not caring if I'll get wet or not.... 

"why am I a vampire? Why am I a werewolf? Why can't I just be a normal human like Ali!? " I scream louder as my eyes starts to tear up again... 

"Emily?" I turn around to see Jessica standing  there with her face all concerned... "what... What are you doing here Mrs.. I mean Jessica.. " I say as I quickly wipe  off my tears..  "well.. I was watering the plants in the backyard  and I heard someone crying very loudly.. " she says as she walk up to me... 

" are you okay dear?" Jessica say and she place her hand on my cheek...  I nod my head  and narrow my eyebrows.. "how... How much did you hear? " I ask.... She must think I'm a nut chop..  "you are how you yourself...really cause you are one of a kind..emily... " she says sweetly..  "you are a princess of both kinds... Embrace it... " she added... 

My mouth and eyes wide... How.. How.. "you know? How... When.. " I says still shock... "haha Emily... I've lived long enough to meet a kinds of people... And because of that I've know you way before you were born.." she says walking up to me "wait... You knew all along that was a hybrid...and that I was the princes how...  ?" I ask.."I didn't say that princess " she lies.... What the world.. "first of all don't call me that and secondly don't lie to me... I can see your lies from miles away... Tell me how you know... " I say as I can feel my inner wolf angering up... 

"wow... Come down okay... I'm not here to pick a fight...  I'll tell... But not here.. "she says looking around.. "then where? " I say looking at her... "follow me" she say as she turn around and started walking... Should I follow her or not.. She turn her head and see that I'm still standing there hesitant... "if you trust Ali.. You can trust me dear.. I won't hurt you...  Ever.. " she say sweetly.. I nod my head and follow her..

After awhile of following her I noticed that we were heading towards Alison's house..."I.. I can't go in there.." I say.. Thinking of what will Alison think if she saw me in her house  "don't worry she isn't coming home tonight." she says like she read my mind."why not? " I say looking at her weirdly... "she called me just now and said that she wanted to be with her friends tonight " she say looking at me..  "how about Jason and cece?" I ask wanting to maybe see those kids again...

"oh my sister in Texas is currently taking care of them while I visit Ali.." "Texas? Visit Ali? " I say all confused.. "oh Ali didn't tell you.. " "tell me what? " I ask..  "the twins and I actually moved like a few months ago to Texas.." she say "what why" I ask still confused...  "well...  I was thinking about the kids...  Living in Rosewood isn't a place where I want the kids to grow up in.... I don't want to be worrying about them you know... "

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