All's Fair in Love and War

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I woke up, spitting up an unidentifiable dark substance. After regaining my senses I realized I was swimming in the middle of a body of water and slowly remembered what I was doing and how I got here. Katherine and I had heard of a cultist group of dark witches hoping to create a new type of supernatural creature in White Rock Lake, Texas. I had willingly became their test subject.

These cult members apparently had been studying the Lady in White of White Rock Lake and had offered her rest by merging her ghostly spirit with my body. At the end of the process I would be neither living or dead and attain the abilities of a poltergeist.

I swam to shore and looked up to see the cultists gather around me. I looked up at the leader, "So, Madame Darcy, did it work?"

She held out her hand, "I don't know, let's see."

I reached out and touched her hand only to suddenly gasp as air filled my lungs. I looked at my hands and knew that they weren't mine. I looked around to see the cultists back away from me, "What's your problem?" I was caught off guard by Madame Darcy's voice coming out of my mouth. I touched my mouth and walked over to the water's edge to see Darcy's reflection and then it hit me, "Oh my god, I possessed someone."

I smirked even more hearing a familiar voice, "Great, now can you un-possess her, we have to go."

I turned around, "Oh come on mom, you have to admit that this is cool."

"Yeah, but Damon opened the tomb so that means Klaus might be aware that I'm not really dead. We have to get the moonstone now," my vicious guardian replied.

I rolled my eyes before closing them and then taking a step forward concentrating. Suddenly it felt cold and I opened my eyes to see Madame Darcy lying on the ground behind me, "Well that was almost as easy as taking off clothes." I looked at her followers and bowed, "Thank you for all your help, please apologize to Madame Darcy for me when she wakes."

I strutted over to Katherine and grinned, "Let's get started."

She smirked back, "Great, but let's get you cleaned up first. You look and smell like you just walked through a swamp."

I nodded, "Can we go shopping after?"

She took my hand and lead me back to her car where Mason Lockwood was waiting, "Anything for you, my precious poltergeist."

Once I was done showering I stepped out only to wipe the fog off the mirror and not see my reflection. "MOM!"

She rushed in and asked, "Where are you?"

"Right in front of you, can't you see me?"

She reached out and was able to touch my arm, "No, but at least I can touch you. Are you ok? How do you feel? We don't know the extent of your new abilities yet, so I need to know you're ok."

I slowed my breathing, "I'm fine, just freaked that I can't see my reflection."

She nodded, "Ok, why don't you get on some pajamas and I'll go get some dinner with Mason and we postpone shopping for tomorrow?"

I wrapped a towel around me, "Ok."

Katherine felt for my face and kissed my nose before smiling, "Alright, we'll be back in a bit. Don't open the door for anyone."

I chuckled, "I know the drill, mom, I'm not a child anymore."

"I know, but I still worry about you."

She closed the bathroom door behind her and I left to change into my pjs after drying off. I was laying on my hotel bed when the cold sensation I felt earlier resurfaced and I shivered, seeing my reflection in the TV screen. I sighed in relief and flopped back down on the bed in glee; body possession and now invisibility. I was beginning to wonder what else I could do when Katherine and Mason came back with my favorite, "Is that seafood?"

Katherine smiled, "Yep, you can thank Mason. But I'm just happy that I can see you again. Eat up, we're on the road to Mystic Falls first thing in the morning."

I happily obliged and afterward, made sure to put in my headphones and blast my music or I would never get to sleep. It was kind of awkward trying to get to sleep when you know the woman who raised you is in the next bed with her boyfriend. I didn't have the heart to tell him that she was planning on handing him over to Klaus to be sacrificed once she had the moonstone. But I was a firm believer in two things Katherine taught me; 'Survival is Paramount' and 'All's Fair in Love and War'. 

Thanks to Katherine I learned the ways of the world and how to get what I wanted even if I had to fight dirty. However there were a few things I had to learn for myself. I learned to build my own masks and hide my true self and intentions and to never trust anyone, besides Katherine.

I owed Katherine my life everything that I am today was all thanks to her because she decided to show pity and weakness for someone. I didn't know how much that mattered until Katherine told me her story. It wasn't easy for her to care for people because of the atrocities that have been committed against her. Her father tore her baby from her arms and banished her. She then fled to England, only to be nearly sacrificed in a ritual to break a curse. In retaliation, her entire family and everyone she loved was killed, solely because she wanted to live.

I didn't just owe her. I loved her even if she didn't truly love me back. 

I didn't even care if that love got me killed in the end.

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