Dinner Party

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(Silvia POV)

As promised, the next morning Elijah and I were walking with Jenna who was showing us the old property lines of the Founding Families. Of course the Founding families actually didn't found anything.

Alaric Saltzman, another person on Elena Gilbert's list, showed up a little later and we got to have a private chat with him while Jenna went to her car to fetch some information for us. Although the chat included Elijah making fun of him for being jealous. First Damon trying to get information and now Alaric, I was starting to get suspicious. I left the history buffs alone to make a call to Luka, "Hey Luka, has anything happened on the Bonnie Bennet front?"

"Actually yes, but nothing good. I was playing pool with them yesterday, passed out and then woke up in a bathroom stall."

I frowned, "They're planning something, I can feel it. Stay close to your dad and I'll stick close to Elijah in case anything happens."

"Yeah, I got it. See you later, Miss Henrikson."

I hung up the phone and made my way back to Elijah to find Alaric gone. We finished up our hike and Jenna suggested that we go to the Grill for lunch. Of course, she brought us right to the table where Alaric and Damon were waiting. I gripped Elijah's arm tighter in anticipation and slight fear.

Damon greeted us, "Hi."

"Hey guys."

"So, Jenna, I hear you three had quite a meeting of historical minds today."

"I guess you could say that."

Alaric, seemingly uncomfortable, "Well, as much as I would like to continue this, I have papers to grade."

Suddenly the woman sitting next to Damon spoke up, "No, you know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party."

I clenched as Damon's eyes lit up, "Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I'd be happy to host. Say tonight, maybe? And of course all seated are invited."

"It's good for me; Jenna?"

Alaric tried to answer for her, but she replied, "Yeah, I'm free."

Then Elijah answered, "It's be a pleasure." He turned to me, "Did you have anything planned for tonight, Silvia?"

I looked at him shrugging, "No, you know my schedule revolves around you."

"Well then, care to accompany me to dinner?"

I smiled, "It would be an honor." I looked at Damon, almost challengingly, "Count me in."

He stared back, "Great."

I went shopping and bought a dress suitable for tonight's dinner party. A nice, simple black dress accented with gold jewelry. I had just finished my hair and make-up when Elijah knocked on my door, "Silvia, we should get going, dear."

I took a deep breath, gathering my purse and opened the door, "I'm ready when you are."

Elijah looked me up and down asking, "Is that a new dress?"

"Yes, I got it today. I wanted to wear something nice for dinner."

"Well you definitely look stunning."

I smiled, "Thank you, and you looking wonderful as always."

My smile faded, thinking about tonight and Elijah lifted up my chin, "What's wrong something's been bothering you all day."

I sighed, "I have a feeling Damon's up to something and this dinner party is just an excuse to try and hurt you. I don't want you to get hurt."

He took my face in his hands, "He's not going to harm me, in fact, I should be more worried about him trying to hurt you. But I thank you for your concern. I shall make it abundantly clear to him that if he has any undesirable intentions that I will not hesitate to eliminate him from the board. I also promise, that I will not let any harm come to you." 

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