Silvia Henrikson

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(Silvia POV)

After drying off and changing clothes, Elijah knocked on my door, "Come in."

He came in, "Come with me, we're going to release one of the doppelgänger's loved ones from beneath the Old Fell Church."

I nodded and followed him out. Elijah had explained to me why we were in Mystic Falls. He wanted to use Elena, the doppelgänger, to draw out Klaus so that Elijah could kill him for tossing his siblings into the sea. However instead of just taking the girl, Elijah made a deal with her, that way she would be less likely to go on a suicide mission.

I knew of the supernatural and to be mindful of my surroundings and the people in it. Our allies, the Martin Witches, were already at work erasing the barrier keeping the vampires in under the church.

Elijah led me down into the tomb and whispered, "Now there are two vampires down there we are only releasing one. The other shall stay because she betrayed me."

I nodded and kept behind the Original as the two vampires approached the entrance. The female looked frightened, "Elijah."

"Good evening, Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be scared."

I stepped forward and looked to the other vampire, "Stefan Salvatore? Your release has been requested."


I frowned, "No, my name is Silvia Henrikson."

Elijah stepped forward, "Silvia is my assistant, she might closely resemble the girl you once knew as Silva Petrova, but I assure you no memory of her or Silva Piece remain. Now please, let's get this transaction over with."

Suddenly the vampire, Katerina, asked, "What did you do to my daughter?"

I was confused at who this girl Silva was, but I just assumed that she was the reason Katherine was to remain in the tomb, as my guardian answered her, "I made sure that she would no longer suffer at your hand. She no longer remembers who you are."

"That's impossible, she was supernatural and immune to compulsion."

"Not if I had my witches perform a powerful ritual to return her to her human state. As a human she became susceptible to my compulsion." Suddenly Elijah rushed forward, compelling Katerina, "Now as for you, you shall not exit this tomb until I tell you. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are."

Elijah stepped back, "Come Stefan."

"I can't."

"Yes you can, I've had the spell lifted. Now come, It's getting quite late and I need to get my assistant to sleep."

I chuckled, "I'm not a child Elijah, you don't have to impose a curfew on me anymore."

Stefan exited, giving me a strange look, and asked, "Who requested my release?"

I smiled at him, hooking my arm in Elijah's, "Your lovely Elena drives a hard bargain, but she and Elijah reached a peaceful agreement."

Elijah then took over, "You're free to go, Elena will explain the terms of our arrangement to you. If she keeps her word, then I'll keep mine. Come along, Silvia."

I smiled, "Coming. I hope to see you around, Mr. Salvatore."

Elijah helped me out of the tomb and ran us back to the Martin residence. I said my goodnights to my housemates and guardian before changing into pajamas and crawling into bed.

(Stefan POV)

I arrived back at my house, hugging Elena and kissing her. We calmed down and she told me the rules of her and Elijah's arrangement, but I had to ask, "Where does Silva fit into this agreement? When I saw her earlier she wasn't acting like herself. She was calling herself Silvia Henrikson and acting like a completely different person."

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