Tensions Rising

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(Silva POV)

 I was finally home and mom wanted me to stick close to Mason and shadow him in order to procure the moonstone from him. He had hidden it and was rather reluctant in giving her its location.

I got dressed and proceeded to become Mason's second shadow as he set up for some fundraiser his sister-in-law, the mayor, was hosting. I knew immediately that today was going to be a long and boring day.

(Damon POV)

Jeremy, Alaric and I were researching the moonstone when all of a sudden Ric stood up, "Vanessa's dead."

I looked up, "The hot research assistant? When?"

He looked over at me, "Her body was discovered a few hours after we left Duke. There's a video of who killed her but the case has gone cold due to the strange footage caught. Hold on, I'm pulling it up now."

Little Gilbert and I leaned over his shoulder watching Vanessa as she rounded a corner and a girl suddenly appeared holding her crossbow. She shot Vanessa in the leg and then slashed her throat. I groaned recognizing the girl and was almost appalled that she had time to clean off the blood and leave the campus in a taxi before anyone caught her.

Jeremy looked up at me, "Who is that?"

I sighed, going back to sorting through Isobel's research, "That, little Gilbert, is Katherine's adopted daughter, Silva Pierce. Katherine saved her life and raised her to be just like herself. Apparently she's half-ghost and very hard to catch. However a plan is currently in motion to recruit her to our cause."

I refused to answer anymore questions until we found something interesting. I rushed down to find Stefan so he could help me execute a plan to eliminate Mason.

(Silva POV)

I kept my distance until I watched Mason get dropped by a witch and then loaded into the back of his truck driven by Damon. I had to hike it to the Salvatore house, where he was no doubt being held, but I was too late as the torture had already begun and Bonnie and Caroline were leaving. 

I didn't know whether to stay or follow.

I decided to stay, watching Damon heat up a fire poker. I smirked and caused the fire to leap out of the fireplace and catch his clothing, forcing him to rush out of the room.

I became visible and tried to undo the locks, but they were too strong, "Mason, I can't get you out."

He whispered, "Don't worry about me, you need to get out of here before Damon comes back."

I shook my head, "No, I'm not gonna leave you."

He shouted, "Go now!"

Damon came back in and saw me, "Well well, come to save your mother's lap dog?" I stared at the man and he smirked, "Or I could kill you instead." Damon rushed toward me in anger and threw me into the wall.

I hissed, only to scream as he dug his fangs into my neck. I could hear Mason yelling at Damon and threatening him. Damon finally had his fill and threw me on the ground at Mason's feet. Pain shot through my body as I reached up to touch the wound. My eyes watered as I looked up at Mason helplessly, "Mason, help me."

I saw the sadness and genuine pity in his eyes. He wanted to help me, but couldn't due to the chains. Damon hovered over my face and forced me to look at him, "Aw, sweetheart, you know he can't help you. I doubt Katherine's gonna help you either. Poor little murderess, no one cares about you and no one ever will."

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