Rose & The Noble Original

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(Silva POV)

I sat in the back sighing at the two brothers in the front seat, bickering and fiddling with the weapons Alaric left them. I hadn't met the man in person yet, but he seemed like a pretty cool guy. Suddenly Damon asked, "So Silva, who do you think took Elena?"

I shrugged, "Hard to say, but I can tell you it's one of four vampires from Katherine's past."

Stefan interrupted me, "That's right, Katherine was running from someone back in 1864. Do you know who it was?"

I nodded, "The Originals."

"Who?" Damon asked

"The Originals," I clarified, "The oldest vampires in the world. Katherine royally pissed them off and had to fake her own death in order to get a break from running. However, I doubt that the Originals were the ones who took her. There are two others who could be responsible; their names are Rose and Trevor. Their siblings whom Katherine used to turn her into a vampire and escape the Originals in the first place. They might not like me very much either. I've never met them in person, but I tortured one of Rose's vampire assassins for twelve days before finally staking him and leaving a note on his desiccated body."

"How old are they?" Damon asked

"Older than 500 for sure, which means that we need to stick together and come up with a game plan before we go in and get Elena."

"Good idea, I say, you go in incognito and grab Elena while Stefan and I distract them," Damon suggested.

I sighed, "I can't make Elena go invisible if I touch her, but I can get in unnoticed."

"That's all we need," Stefan said, "Just get to Elena and lead her out. As long as you get her out and away, Damon and I can work out the rest."

I nodded, "Alright, but as soon as I get Elena to the car, I'm coming back for you. I can't very well let my therapist die before we've had our first session."

Stefan smirked, "Thanks."

"What about me? Won't you come back and save me?"

I turned to glare at him, "No, I'd rather watch you die ripped to shreds while I enjoy a nice bowl of popcorn."

"Silva," Stefan warned.

"Fine, I won't let you or your brother die if I can help it." 

We arrived at the old house a few minutes later and I slowly got out of the car. I took a couple steps toward it and Damon came up behind me, "You're up Silva, we'll give you ten minutes to find Elena and then Stefan will go in and create a distraction."

I nodded, shivering and going invisible, "See you boys on the flip-side." 

I ran into the house and snuck in with quiet steps. I searched one room after another before coming to a ballroom area. I got there just in time to see a male vampire shaking in fear, say to the other male, "I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry."

"Oh no, your apology is not necessary Trevor," The other said.

I held back a gasp, this man was Elijah, one of the Originals. If I didn't get Elena out now, she might be lost forever. I made my way, quietly down the stairs opposite Rose as Trevor continued, "Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you."

Elijah approached Trevor and I refused to let my eyes stray from the two, "Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that I honor. Where was your loyalty?"

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