Risen Sun

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(Stefan POV)

I got home, seeing the front door wide open. I rushed in and noticed a series of letters on the counter of the kitchen each addressed to a different person. I found one with my name on it and opened it:

Dear Stefan,

I wanted to write you this letter as a formal apology to you as well as a letter of thanks. I'm not sure who all will be dead and who all will be alive after the sacrifice, but I surely hope you lived. You were the only person who believed I could be better than what Katherine raised me to be. Instead of a monster, you saw the scared little girl who just wanted someone to love her and care for her. I'm sorry to prove you wrong in the end. I'm a monster, a Killer, a Survivor, and a Coward. I hope you can forgive me for everything I've done to you and those you love. I hope you can forgive me for borrowing your car as well. Perhaps in a different life we could have been friends. I hope that if I do ever see you again, it is from across a crowded diner and where we exchange silent appreciated glances before I slip away. 

With Thanks & Admiration,

Silva Pierce

I put down the letter and understood why she left, but I wasn't happy about it. I gathered up the rest of the letters, deciding to distribute them after the funeral for Jenna and John. There were 9 letters left in total; Damon, Caroline, Tyler, Alaric, Jenna, Jeremy, Bonnie, Elijah, and Elena.

(Elena POV)

After the funeral, Stefan stepped forward, "Everyone, when I went home this morning, I found these on the counter. They are letters from Silva addressed to all of us. I've already read mine and I think you should read yours, but that is entirely up to you." He looked at me, "She wrote one for Jenna too, I think it's up to you and Jeremy to decide if you want to read it."

I took her letter as well as mine as Stefan passed out the rest. Caroline immediately opened hers and began reading aloud: "Dear Caroline, I know when we last spoke we weren't on the best terms, considering I killed you and blackmailed you into working with Katherine and I against your friends. However despite your circumstances, you are an amazing vampire. I don't think any other vampire in the world has mastered control as quickly or as skillfully as you have. Because of that, I am envious of you." 

Caroline paused for a moment, but continued reading, "My mother, from the moment I understood the concept of death, has prepared me for the eventual time when she would turn me into a vampire and we would live the rest of eternity together. To be honest, I've always been afraid of death and now am not sure whether or not I actually want to be a vampire, but if I could be anything like you then maybe I have a chance. I'm sorry for everything I did to you and wish you nothing, but the best in the years to come. With Respect & A Hopeful Future, Silva Pierce."

We were all stunned for a moment as Caroline said, "Wow, I didn't think she was capable of such kindness."

Tyler smirked, "You and me both." He began to open his, "Let's see what she wrote me. Dear Tyler, I hope Damon makes it in time to save you and Caroline, so you can read this letter. I know when we first met you knew me as Silvia Baker, the shy and completely helpless friend to your uncle. I confess to you that I lied about my name, sorry. However, I didn't lie about being a friend to Mason. I knew all along that Katherine wanted to sacrifice him to Klaus, but by letting him die at Damon's hand, I thought I was giving him mercy. I also want to apologize for helping my mother to trigger your curse. If I could go back and change it, I would. You deserve to be happy in life. I want you to know that you didn't kill that girl the night of the Masquerade Ball, my mother and I did. If you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd like to come back and visit Mystic Falls to come and see how you all have moved on in your lives. I hope your life is as epic as you can dream it to be. With Sincerest Apologies, Silva Pierce.

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