First School Dance

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(Silva POV)

Once we got back to the Salvatore House I went to my room and refused to move or leave for a couple of days. It was Monday morning and I heard Stefan knock on my door, "Hey Silva, I'm going to school, but Damon's gonna be here to protect you. We'd really like it if you came out to talk to us."

I then heard Damon's voice, "Anything?"

"No. I can hear her heartbeat, at least, but I'm worried she's trying to kill herself through starvation."

"Get to school, brother. I'll take care of it."

"Please don't hurt her."

"Honestly Stefan, do you really think I could? Whether she likes it or not, the only way she'll be able to get Katherine back is if she helps us. Not to mention that Klaus is gonna come after her next, she needs the protection only we can provide her. Go to school."

Stefan's footsteps retreated, but Damon's remained for a moment as he called through the door, "Silva, I'm gonna go get breakfast from the Grill. I'll bring you back something, if you plan on leaving the house, call me. I'll be back in a bit." I heard his footsteps leave and I sighed. I figured that I should at least shower and change clothes. I had wallowed in sadness long enough, it was time to fight back.

I began pacing my room, thinking. Damon believed that we had a connection and would most likely protect me to further explore that connection. As long as I played along as the sad girl who just lost her mother than I could also manipulate Stefan and Elena. I could use them as my shields until I got Katherine back and then throw them to Klaus as a distraction to make our escape. We'd be running for the rest our lives, but at least we'd be together.

I made my way downstairs and into the cellar, there was also Plan B; Release Elijah. If I played my cards right I could be having an Original protect me against another Original. I would just have to make sure that I hid my vervain, so he couldn't compel me into being his personal Barbie doll again.

Before I could make my decision I heard Damon rush down the stairs, "Silva? Hey, what are you doing down here?"

Still looking at Elijah, I answered, "Weighing my options."

"Elijah? You're thinking of resurrecting him?"

I sniffled, "I don't know, maybe. I mean what could protect me from an Original better than an Original?"

Damon grabbed my shoulder and lifted my chin to look into my eyes, "Listen to me very carefully, I'm not going to let Klaus lay a finger on you. I promise to protect you."

I let a tear slip down my face as I hugged Damon, "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He stroked my head for a second and then lead me upstairs, "Come on, let's get you some food and maybe a little bit of sun. You're looking kind of pale."

I snickered, "I'm still tanner than you."

We ate breakfast and as soon as I was done cleaning the dishes, Damon threw me my jacket, "Come on, get your shoes on. We're gonna get you out."

"Where are you taking me? Now that this house is safe, should I really be leaving?"

He placed his hand on my cheek, "Hey, I promised that I would protect you and I meant it. It's just a couple of hours in the sun so you don't feel stuck inside like a prisoner."

I nodded, leaning slightly into the touch, "Okay, lead the way."

He took my hand, picking me up and whisking me outside. He finally put me down next to the Falls and I smiled, "This place is beautiful." I then smirked, "Can we play a game?"

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