Rescue Elena

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(Silva POV)

I woke up the next morning before the Salvatore brothers and went downstairs to start writing in my new journal.

"In the beginning, there was Katherine and only Katherine. She was my provider and my protector. She was my whole world, a mother who loved me and wanted the best for me. She taught me to speak Bulgarian. She taught me to dance. She taught me that I was beautiful, now matter what anyone else said."

"Then when I was seven, her teaching became training. She taught me how to fight, how to manipulate people, and how to become someone who I wasn't. I killed innocent people, vampires, witches, werewolves; and I did it all for Katherine."

I paused for a moment, hearing someone coming down the stairs, "Morning murderess."

I frowned, responding, "Morning immortal asshat."

He scoffed, seeing the journal in my hands, "Oh god, has Stefan convinced you to write down your personal thoughts as a way to start your therapy?"

"For now, just from these two paragraphs I've realized a lot about myself, and I'm pretty pathetic." The dark-haired vampire tried to read over my shoulder, but I shut the journal and glared at him, "My personal thoughts are nothing for you to read, Damon. You clearly want nothing to do with me, so I'll stay out of your way as much as possible as long as you promise to do the same."

He nodded, "Deal. Now if you don't mind, I have a date with a blonde newbie vampire."

I smirked turning back to my journal, "Tell Caroline 'hi' for me." Once I heard the front door close, I continued to write.

"As a girl I knew Katherine loved me, but as time grew on, I wasn't so sure anymore. However I couldn't leave her, I had nowhere to go and no one else except her. I learned to like the killing and even became a master of torture. My current record is twelve continuous days of torture before I killed him. He had been turned by one of my mother's eternal enemies, Rose, and was tasked to kill Katherine on sight. However he was not strong enough to overpower my mother and instead became my guinea pig to test some new torture methods."

"That's the part I hate about myself. I've always secretly hated hurting people, but learned to ignore my emotions so that I wouldn't be punished. Now I have to wonder if I can really feel emotion at all. I can feel pain, sadness, and anger just fine, but joy, love, and happiness are harder for me to understand. I'm hoping Stefan can help me with that particular problem. I hate to admit weakness of defeat, but I need him. Without Katherine, I need someone to lean on until I learn to stand with my own strength."

I stopped, hearing Stefan come downstairs and I smiled, "Morning Stefan!"

He smiled warmly, "Morning Silva, how'd you sleep?"

"Very well, thank you. I just have a quick question for you before you leave for school."

"What's that?"

"What should I do while you're out? Am I allowed to leave the house?"

He chuckled, "You're allowed to do whatever you want to, but just tell me where you'll be through text. I'll leave mine and Damon's numbers on the table in case of an emergency. I'm not going to keep you locked up like an animal. In order to figure out who you are, you need to be out there in the real world." He grabbed his backpack, "I'll see ya later, Silva."

"Bye, have fun at school!" 

With what Stefan said in mind, I decided to take a walk down to the Falls. It was gorgeous, the sounds and smells were so calming. However after about an hour I received a call, "Hello?"

"Silva, where are you right now?" Stefan asked

"Taking a walk down by the Falls, why?"

"Did Katherine have a backup plan to kidnap Elena at the masquerade last night?"

"No, the only plans Katherine had last night were get the moonstone and a new werewolf. Why? What's happened to the doppelgänger?"

"Elena's missing, apparently she never came home last night and no one's seen her."

"Get the witch and Jeremy. A simple locater spell should help us figure out where Elena is."

"Okay, meet us at the high school, I'll text you the room number."

"I'm on my way." As I hightailed it to the high school I couldn't help, but feel my stomach drop. Something didn't feel right about this. If all the tomb vampires where dead then who else could know about the living doppelgänger?

I arrived seeing Stefan shove weapons into the back of his car, "Need any help?"

He looked up, "No, but come with me. Bonnie's about to do the spell." He led me inside and over to where Bonnie was, "Alright, Alaric said we've got to clear out of here within ten minutes. I've got weapons, he stocked me up. All we need is a location."

Bonnie nodded at Jeremy, "Are you ready?" He nodded and she cut his hand, I watched the blood carefully as it pooled together and began to move. As soon as it stopped, Bonnie exclaimed, "There. She's there."

"That's 300 miles away," Jeremy pointed out, shocked his sister could be so far away in such a short time.

Stefan shook his head, "No, Bonnie. We need a more exact location than that."

I touched Stefan's shoulder, "Calm down, that's as close as any witch will be able to get. Magic isn't a universal solution to every problem."

Bonnie looked at me glaring, "And since when did you know anything about magic?"

I held up my hands, "Easy Bonnie, I know you don't like me, but I'm on your side. You have the spell to hurt me if I get out of line. I know how important Elena is and I'm gonna help you get her back, it's as simple as that."

She frowned, but nodded as Jeremy offered up a solution, "I can map it, aerial view will show us what's around there, help us narrow down the area."

Stefan nodded, "Perfect. Call me with whatever you find."

"No, no, I'm coming with you!"

Stefan sighed, "No, Jeremy, you're not."

"I'm not just gonna sit here! What if she's hurt? Or worse? What if she's..."

I grabbed his arm, "She's not. Whoever took Elena knows how important she is and that she needs to be kept alive and unharmed. The best thing you can do for her right now, is be there for her when we bring her home. Stefan will call you the minute we find her."

He yanked his arm out of my grasp, "Forgive me if I don't trust you and there's no way I'm going to trust you with my sister's safety. Stefan, you can't go alone with this freak."

Suddenly a voice came from behind me, snatching my arm. I hissed in pain, "He's not, I'll keep an eye on the ghost. Let's go Stefan."

"You coming with me Damon?"

"It's Elena."

I rolled my eyes, jerking out of Damon's grasp, "Great, let's go."

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