Missing Mother

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(Silva POV)

I changed into a comfortable all black outfit with fingerless gloves, wrapping up in my favorite leather jacket. Loading up my weapons on my person, I walked down the stairs and past my mother, "Shall we go?"

I heard her chuckle before picking me up and speeding to the Lockwood's house. Katherine and I waited in the wings for Isobel's distraction, which was quite dramatic. Katherine whisked Elena to me and I knocked her out. Katherine used her vamp speed to undress Elena and put on her clothes, "I have to go back out there so Stefan won't suspect anything. As soon as you have Elena dressed, get to Isobel's car parked out back, discreetly. I'll see you later."

She kissed my forehead and turned to leave, but I grabbed her hand, shoving Elena's phone into it, "Pretend to be calling Damon and I'll see you later."

She smirked and sped away as I got to work dressing Elena up in Katherine's clothes. I then hiked her over my shoulder and snuck out back. Isobel saw me coming opening the door to the backseat, "Finally, what took so long?"

I plopped Elena in the backseat unceremoniously and scoffed, "Dressing an unconscious girl is harder than it looks when you don't have vamp speed, Isobel. I'm here aren't I?" I closed the door and turned to the vampire, "Let's go." I went to open the passenger's side door, but Isobel blocked my way. I looked up at her, "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, Silva. He wanted the moonstone and Katherine. He's saving you for later in order to torture her."

I frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't really matter." Her face vamped out and she bit into my neck. I screamed, but fell into sudden darkness as my temple hit something really hard.

I groaned as I awoke, and hissed at the pain in my head. I opened my eyes as everything started to come into focus. I was in the front seat of Isobel's car. We were parked in a cemetery. I reached for my phone only to find it in the cupholder, crushed; no doubt by Isobel.

I sat up and noticed the bitch standing over a grave a couple feet from her daughter. I opened the door and tried to sneak out only for Isobel's compelled brute grab my hair and throw me to the ground. I growled, "You're gonna regret that." I kicked his feet out from under him and pulled out my knife stabbing him in the heart. I watched the light leave his eyes, "Told you."

I got up and pulled out my wood-filled gun, aiming it at Isobel, "Back away from Elena, Isobel. Now."

She smiled sadly as I began to side-step to get closer to Elena, "Don't worry, I'm done. I've completed my task and now it's time for me to leave. I've already said my peace to Elena, but now I need to give you a warning." She took a step toward me and I shot her in the shin. She groaned, but rose back up to her feet, raising her hands in surrender, "Klaus has your mother by now and soon he'll find out from her very own mouth that you are the only thing in the world she cares about. He will then use you to torture her. I advise you leave Mystic Falls before he gets here."

She looked at Elena who was now behind me, "I'm sorry. Goodbye, Elena." She then ripped off her daylight necklace and burst into flames. I gasped and lowered my gun. I stood there in shock and turned around to hold Elena's shoulder, "Elena are you okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, are you?"

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

She pointed at her head, "You're bleeding."

I let go of Elena and touched my head and neck, seeing blood on my hand, "I'll be fine. Your life is worth more than mine. Let's get you back to the brothers, so I can go."

I picked up Isobel's necklace, gave it to Elena, and led her back to the car, taking the keys off the dead man's body. She climbed into the passenger's seat, "Where are you gonna go?"

I shook my head, "Save my mom. Leave town. I don't know Elena. I'm scared and I don't what to do now."

I sucked in a breath trying to calm myself, but reality began to hit me. Klaus was here. He had my mother. He was coming for me next. He was going to use me to hurt my mom. What was I going to do? How was I going to get out of this?

I was brought out of my mental breakdown at the feeling of a warm hand on mine. "Silva. You're shaking. Maybe I should drive."

I gulped down a breath nodding, afraid to speak without crying, but Elena caught on anyway, "Silva? What's wrong?"

I shook my head, "Nothing." However my body betrayed me and as soon as the first tear rolled down my face, I broke down. Suddenly my door was being opened and Elena pulled me out to hug me. I cried in her arms, hearing her call Stefan, "Stefan?" "Yeah I'm fine. I'm with Silva and Isobel's dead." "No Stefan, Silva protected me. I don't think she knew what Isobel and Katherine were planning." "I can't move right now. Silva's having a breakdown. You need to come get us." "Alright, I'll see you soon, goodbye Stefan."

As soon as she hung up she tried to comfort me, "Stefan's on his way, okay? We're going to be fine. We're going to be okay. It's okay, just let out, we're fine."

I don't know how long we sat there, but I heard a car pull up behind us and Stefan's voice, "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong with her?"

Elena replied, "I don' know, but I think she's having a panic attack. Isobel told her that Klaus had Katherine and that once he knew she was the only thing Katherine cared about, he'd come for her next."

Suddenly Stefan was holding my face in his hands as I began to hyperventilate, "Silva? Hey I need you to look at me okay." He tried to compel me, "Silva your need to slow your breathing."

I shook my head, "I can't. I can't breathe. My ankle."


"My ankle. The vervain."

He took off my boot and gave Elena the vervain, turning back to me, compelling, "Calm down Silva. You need to slow your breathing."

I listened to him as a wave of calm rolled over me. He then continued, "You're going to be okay. We are going to protect you. Do you understand?"

I nodded and he turned to Elena, "You can give her back the vervain now."

She nodded, putting my vervain back on my ankle. Stefan then helped me to my feet, "Thank you. I don't know what came over me."

Elena hugged me, "It's okay to be afraid sometimes."

I gently pushed her away, "No it's not. I was raised to be strong and crying in front of others is a display of weakness. I promise you it won't happen again." I walked past the couple to Stefan's car, "Let's just get back to the house."

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