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(Silva POV)

When Klaus came back I tensed, keeping behind my mother, but he seemed too preoccupied by preparing for whatever ritual he and his witches were performing.

They rolled in a massive box and Greta Martin came waltzing into the room, "Klaus, nice new bod. You ready to get out of it?"

I rolled my eyes at her loyalty to Klaus when her father and brother were willing to die to get her back. Katherine and I stood silently watching the ritual begin. As Alaric's body collapsed to the floor, Greta rose to her feet, opening the massive box, which had been placed straight up in the middle of a candlelit circle.

Now I may not have been impressed with Klaus in Alaric's body, but the man that stepped out of that box, terrified me. My breath ceased as he spoke, "Now that's more like it."

I felt my mother clench in front of me and I took her hand comfortingly. I had never seen fear on my mother's face before, now I knew and was face-to-face with the only thing she feared more than death. 

This was Klaus Mikaelson.

Klaus then turned to look at my mother and I, speeding over to us with his vampiric speed. Katherine flinched as I ducked and whimpered. Without moving his gaze, Klaus commanded, "Everyone can leave now and get a good night's rest. Tomorrow there is much to be done, including the ritual tomorrow night. Maddox, please make the necessary arrangements for vampire and werewolf retrieval." He then tossed back the moonstone, "And Greta, guard this with your life."

"Of course," both witches replied before leaving along with the rest of the lackeys.

Once we were alone, he snatched me from behind Katherine, compelling, "Go tend to Alaric, he has a message to deliver to the doppelganger in the morning."

"What message?" I replied monotonously

"The Sacrifice happens tonight."

I nodded and he released me. I walked over to Alaric's unconscious form, picking him up and laying him comfortably on the couch. He was shivering and had a fever. I wrapped the man in a blanket and then grabbed a wet rag to wipe away the sweat. I heard Klaus then speak to my mother, "As for you, I want you to sit down and shut up. No talking, no tapping, no moving whatsoever. That'll be torture enough considering your record of being easily bored."

Katherine nodded, sitting down in the arm chair in the corner of the room. Once that was done, Klaus turned in for the night.

After a couple of hours, I was able to break Alaric's fever and catch a few Zs myself. However, at the crack of dawn he awoke with a jolt and I pushed him back down onto the couch, "Calm down Alaric." Once he relaxed I sighed, "Do you know where you are?"

"I'm at my apartment."


"Do you know what has happened the past couple of days?"

He thought about it for a moment before looking back into my eyes, "No, the last thing I remember is meeting with Isobel and then an intense pain in my head."

I shook my head, "The witch working for Klaus did a spell that allowed Klaus to enter your body and control you. He also compelled Isobel to kill herself. He killed Bonnie too. However Klaus is letting you go, but wants you to deliver a message to Elena."

"Which is?"

I looked sadly into his eyes, sitting back on my knees, "The Sacrifice happens tonight." Alaric's eyes widened and I sighed, "I'm so sorry. I wish I could help, but one of his witches has a barrier spell up so I can't leave." I helped the man up and he was a little unsteady on his feet. He would've fallen over if I wasn't holding him up, "Woah, take it easy. Your body is still warn out from the magic Klaus used to take over your body. I'd suggest taking it slow on the way over to the Boarding House."

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