Revenge of the Dead

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(Silva POV)

I gasped awake, coughing. 

I looked around to find myself still lying in the bathtub of the Salvatore house, but at least all the blood had been cleaned off. I figured that was all Stefan's doing, considering that Damon and Rose tag-teamed to try and kill me.

At remembering the betrayal, fury flooded into my face. I stood up knowing the perfect revenge to get them back. I crept out of the house after changing into a new pair of clothes and taking an extra pair for Katherine. I stole seven blood bags from the hospital before making my way to the tomb.

I moved the stone, "Mother, are you here?"

She skulked out of the shadows, "Silva what brings you here? I thought you had abandoned me?"

I tossed in two blood bags, "I could never forget you. Damon and Rose tried to kill me tonight after hearing about how I nearly killed a rapist. Little did they know that it wouldn't be so easy to kill me." She downed the blood bags and I tossed in a third, "I'm currently working to find leverage and another witch to aid Bonnie in your release. I need you at your strongest once I bust you out of here."

I tossed in a spare pair of clothes, "I brought you a comfortable pair of clothes and a four more blood bags." However before I tossed the bag in I warned, "Don't drink them all at once."

She nodded, "I understand, thank you, my dear." I tossed in the bag and turned to leave, "Wait!" She tossed me the moonstone, "Take this, I want you to negotiate with Klaus on my behalf and them come for me. I'm safe as long as I'm in here."

I palmed the moonstone, smiling, "I will mother. I'll bring you more blood bags when I can."

After placing the stone back over the entrance to the tomb, I ran out into the night. My first task was winning over the werewolf, then the blonde vampire and finally acquiring the doppelgänger. Once I had all of them, I would use them as leverage against the witch and force her to release my mother. Once she was free and could run, I would track down Klaus and negotiate to leave my mother in peace.

The first thing I did was call the werewolf pack in Florida and left an anonymous message about Mason's demise in Mystic Falls. That would draw another werewolf to me and allow me to get closer to Tyler. I knew that Rose knew a certain vampire who could get in touch  with someone on Klaus' totem pole.

I stole Rose's phone, finding her and Damon in bed together like the sick twisted betrayers they were. On the recently dialed I called Slater, but no one answered, but I was able to trace the address. I hot-wired one of Stefan's cars and drove away.

(Stefan POV)

I went upstairs the next morning to bury Silva only to find nothing in the bathtub. I called over the balcony, "Damon? Where's Silva's body?"

He looked up at me before looking at Rose, "I didn't do anything."

She then scoffed, "Well don't look at me, I wouldn't touch the girl with a ten-foot pole. Is she seriously not there?"

Damon sped up and into the room and noticed the open drawers, "Well either someone took her and raided her clothes, or we didn't kill her. At least not for good."

I smacked him upside the head, "Yeah, what did you think you were doing? Because of you and your new bestie, not only do we have to worry about protecting Elena, but we also have to worry about a vengeful psychopath who not only knows about Elena, but also hates us." 

I walked out and down the stairs as Damon asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go find her and hopefully am able to convince her to come back." I went to the garage only to find one of my cars gone. I cursed at myself and sped back inside, "Silva stole one of my cars, where would she go after just being resurrected?"

Damon sighed, "Well we don't know her well enough, and as much as I dread the thought, maybe we can ask her mother."

"Katherine?" I asked

"Yes Katherine practically raised the girl only she is gonna knows where Silva is, and we can try and swindle the moonstone off her too." Damon grabbed his coat, "Let's go talk to our ex, eh brother."

(Katherine POV)

I smirked hearing the stone being removed from the tomb entrance. I strode laying eyes on the Salvatore brothers, "Please...come on in. There's plenty of room for all of us."

"I'd rather poke my eyes out," Damon retorted.

"Mmm, but they're such pretty eyes."

Stefan then asked, "How are you at full strength? You don't look desiccated one bit."

I smirked, "My daughter stopped by earlier giving me my own private stash of blood and a change of clothes. Such a sweet girl to think about her mother's wellbeing, don't you think?"

His eyes widened, "Silva was here?!"

I grinned, "Yep, she told me all about how furious she was that your brother and his bitch tried to kill her. But I ask you how you kill a ghost?" I shrugged, leaning against the wall, "Needless to say, Silva is furious, but I have no idea where she is now. She's probably already left Mystic Falls."

Damon then snapped, "We're not here for her. We're here for the moonstone, feel like tossing it over?"

I shrugged, "Not particularly considering it's my only leverage. Tell you what, get your witch to hocus-pocus me out of here and I'll give you anything you want."

"I thought you liked it in here," Stefan mentioned, "nice and safe where Klaus can't get to you."

I scoffed, "I've had time to reconsider."

"Meaning you're daughter's abandoned you and you want her back."

I sighed, "Yes I want to go after Silva, but I'm also dirty and above all, bored. At least running from Klaus was never boring. So here's the deal; you get me out, and I'll give you the moonstone and leave Mystic Falls forever. Not even Silva will return." I turned and walked back into the tomb, "Let me know what you decide."

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