Stopping Murder

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(Silva POV)

I followed the scumbag from the Mystic Grill until he got into an alley out sight of the street. That's when I made my move I grabbed the man and quickly knocked him out by slamming his head into the side of the brick building next to him.

I picked him up, standing him up as if I were helping a drunk man home. I carried him all the way back to the Salvatore house and down into the basement. I tied him to the chair and went upstairs to find anything I could use as tools of torture.

I grabbed a knife, duct tape, heated up a poker in the fireplace, and began boiling water on the stove.

I went back down to the basement, finding the man groaning awake, "Oh, good afternoon Sleeping Beauty."

"Where am I? What am I doing here?"

I held the knife up to him, "Your here to answer a couple of questions for me. How many women have you sexually assaulted in the past year."

"What? I'm not telling you."

I cocked my head, "Really? Is your secret worth your finger?" 

I began to slice off his left pinky and he screamed, "49! I've assaulted 49 women and 10 men!"

I pulled back the knife, "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Now, how many of those 59 people have you raped?"

He was quiet for a moment, but answered, "10."

I nodded, "Thank you, that's all I wanted to know."

"So are you gonna let me go?"

I frowned, uncurling the duct tape and wrapped it around his head, over his mouth, "No, I'm going to deal 59 injuries to you and 10 of them are going to be excruciating."

I went upstairs, grabbing the boiling water and poured it all over the man, beginning to burn him through his clothes. I cut off his shirt with the knife and carve 59 tally marks into his back. I then burned the word 'Rapist' into his chest using the fire poker. 

I was already proud of my work and picked back up the knife. I was just about finish cutting off his pinkie when Stefan busted in. Stefan pulled the knife out of my hand, "What the hell are you doing!?"

In a calm voice, I answered, "He deserved it."

Stefan frowned, grabbing my arm and dragged me upstairs past Elena. He locked me in my bedroom, "Stay here and don't move, I'm calling Damon."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

(Damon POV)

I was on my way home with Rose when I got a call from Stefan. "What's up brother?"

"Where are you, I need you back at the house now."

"Why? What happened?"

"Katherine's brainwashing in Silva is much more serious than I originally thought."

Rose turned to me, hearing my brother, asking, "What did she do?"

Stefan sighed, "She nearly killed a man. I managed to heal him so that there are no scars, but she tortured him for hours."

I looked at Rose, "Why?"

"Apparently Katherine wanted her to be a killer. Anytime, Silva gets bored she turns into dangerous vigilante, killing the worst of humanity."

Rose nodded, "I knew it, that's how Trevor and I were able to track down Katherine 12 years ago. Katherine left Silva to her own devices and in turn Silva left a trail of bodies across three states. Of course that trail stopped after she murdered my friend, Katherine obviously figured out that she needed to keep Silva entertained."

I spoke into the phone, "Okay, brother, I'm about a hour out of town. Keep an eye on Silva and maybe play a game with her or something to keep her entertained."

"Alright, the guy will be in the basement awaiting compulsion. See ya soon, Damon."

"Bye, Stef." I hung up and sighed, "Crap, even now Katherine is still creating death in Mystic Falls."

Rose looked out the window, "I told you, Silva's a killer. Raised to be brutal and unmerciful. She might be sweet on the outside, but that's it. You might as well just kill her and save yourselves some unwanted attention."

I thought about it and nodded, "You're right, I'll put her out of her misery for good."

When I got home, I went downstairs compelling the man. There might not be any scars, but I could see the broken pain in the man's eyes. Like Jeremy after he lost Vicki. Once I sent the man on his way, I heard music upstairs and whispered to Rose, "I need you to hold down Stefan while I kill the girl."

Rose easily agreed and we sped upstairs. We ran in the girl's room, to see Stefan giving her a dance lesson. Rose grabbed Stefan and held him against the wall while I snatched Silva's shoulder. I threw her into the bathtub and sliced her neck open before she could get a word out and sliced her wrists on top of it. I stood there, watching as she bled out in the bathtub.

Rose shouted in, "What are you waiting for?"

I called back as I saw the light leave Silva's eyes, "I just wanted to make sure I saw her die with my own eyes." I walked out, "We'll clean up and bury her tomorrow."

Rose released Stefan and he ran into the bathroom, but he was too late. He followed Rose and I downstairs, "Why did you do that? She could still be saved."

"No she couldn't have Stefan," Rose explained. "She was conditioned into being a killer. There's no way you could have saved her. It was easier and more merciful to put her out of her misery."

"We could have tried. I was teaching her how to dance, we could have substituted that for the killing."

"You really think a little dancing is going to stop her from killing. Stefan that's not just naive, that's delusional. You couldn't have saved her, none of us could. She was a lost cause; helpless."

Stefan frowned going back upstairs to go clean the body and I stayed downstairs pouring myself some bourbon. I listened in to Stefan apologizing to the dead body, promising to give her a proper funeral. A little flame of guilt burned in my stomach, but I quickly quenched it with the alcohol.

(Elijah POV)

After having Slater deliver his message I ordered Jonas, "I need you to go to Texas and figure out a way to kill a girl who is half spirit."

"Half Ghost? How can that be possible?"

"I don't know, but the sooner we learn how, the sooner we can get her under control."

"Of course, Elijah."

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