The Bitch is Back

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(Katherine POV)

As soon as I was free from the tomb, I got my full strength back and went to the Salvatore house to take a much needed shower as Damon walked in, "Andie? I thought you left."

I waltzed out of the shower, "Hello, Damon. Hey, do you have a robe?"

"How did you get out?"

I smirked, "I knew that if I begged you not to kill Elijah, that's exactly what you'd do. Little known fact...Originals can compel vampires, but as soon as they dead and daggered, the compulsion wears off."

"And you knew."

"And I'm still here. I didn't run. I meant what I said, Damon; I'm going to help you, and so is my daughter."

I saw his eyes widen, "Silva was under Elijah's compulsion."

I nodded, "Yep and as soon as she's done going down memory lane, she'll come back to me. about that robe?"

(Silva POV)

Luka was still outside the door and I only had time to think of a stupid excuse, "Uh sorry, Luka. I'm fine. I just slipped a little on the wet tile floor is all."

"Oh, alright. Goodnight Miss Henrikson."

I took a deep breath and changed into my old comfortable clothes. Once that was done, I had made my decision on who to side with. Elijah had been nice, but he had made me human and erased my memories only to make me his whipped little bitch. At least with Katherine I had a little bit of fun and freedom.

I heard the door open outside, signaling Jonas's return and I cursed slightly, I might be able to get the jump on one witch, but not two. I quickly slipped under the covers, hearing the door open, "Miss Henrikson?" I slowed my breathing, knowing that pretending to be asleep and playing the long game was the only way I was going to get out of here.

I finally heard the door close, but could hear Martin's voice loud and clear through the door, "As long as she's Siliva Henrikson, then we know Elijah is alive and will return. If she shows any sign of being Silva Petrova, we kill her before she can kill us. Do you understand, Luka?"

Luka responded, "Do we really have to kill her? She's only ever been kind and helpful."

"She's only that way because of Elijah's compulsion, son. Silva Petrova, or rather Silva Pierce, is a killer. We made her human again and then Elijah erased her memory, Silva Pierce is a threat and should she be the one to wake up instead of Silvia, then we eliminate her."

Luka confirmed, "Alright, IF she's Silva Pierce, then we'll kill her."

The footsteps retreated away from the door and snuck over to the door. If only I were still half-ghost, I could just go invisible and sneak out easily. Curse my frail humanity!

I took a deep breath. Think. You were human most of your life, analyze your surroundings and figure a way out. You are a survivor, and you will survive.

I looked around the room; no windows, two doors, one leads to the bathroom and the other a plausible way out, but two witches are on the other side. Ventilation, what about the vents?

I found two vents, one in the bathroom and one in the main bedroom area by the bed. The one in the bathroom was the only one that could be big enough to let me crawl through. So, I locked the main bedroom door and snuck into the bathroom. I silently closed and locked the bathroom door before hopping up onto the counter to begin twisting the loose and rusted screws.

Once that was done, I crawled up into the vent as silently as I could. The space was tight, but do-able. Slowly, but surely, I moved through the vents and finally found an outside vent. I knew that I hate to break it, but that would make noise, and loud ones. Punching it wouldn't work, which meant I had to either spend more time, maneuvering around so I could kick it or use my elbow several times, hopefully knocking it loose.

Agains my better judgement, I went with option B and began to slam my elbow into the metal. After the third time I heard voices and shuffling below me.I quickened the pace and finally on the nine try, I knocked it loose and fell to the dirty ground below.

I ignored the pain and took off running in a random direction, not daring to look back. That was also not a good plan, considering I ran into the middle of a busy road and got hit by an oncoming car.

When I finally got my bearings, I thanked whatever god was out there that I was alive. It was hard getting to my feet due to the giant gash on my right thigh and the dull pain in the back of my skull. Blurry figures tried to help me, but I brushed them off managed to figure out where I was. I turned in the direction of the Salvatore house and began the long trek there.

(Damon POV)

After telling Katherine to leave, I was just about to lay down and go to sleep when I heard the front door open and close as well as a series of uneven footsteps.

I sped downstairs, just in time to see Silva collapse to the floor, gasping in pain and holding her right thigh.

I sped over to her seeing the blood soaking into her hair and running down her forehead, as well as the pool beginning to form under her thigh. I bit into my wrist and held her head, holding my blood up to her lips, "Hey, hey, drink okay."

She nodded and grabbed my wrist without hesitation. She finally let go, wiping her chin, "Ugh, I forgot how awful vampire blood tastes. Thanks Damon."

I helped her up to her feet, answering, "No problem, but what the hell happened to you?"

She smirked and giggled, "It's kind of embarrassing, but I kinda did this to myself."

"What do you mean?"

She brushed a hand through her hair and noticed the blood, "Hey, I promise to tell you anything you want if I can get a shower and a change of clothes."

I snatched her arm, "How do I know you aren't lying?"

She frowned, "I'm human now Damon, just compel me."

After a moment I nodded, releasing her, "Fine, you can use my shower and I'll get some of Rose's old clothes."

"Oh joy, wearing the clothes of a woman who wanted me dead." I helped her upstairs to my room and let her take a shower and get dressed in peace. When she was finally done, she stalked out and jumped onto the bed, sitting next to me, "So, where's Katherine? My memories came back which means she was released from the tomb."

"I told her to leave and that we didn't need her help. I would say the same to you, but I owe you a place to stay at the very least after what I did to you."

I watched as her sweet smile morphed into a frown, "You mean after slicing open my throat and wrists and letting me bleed out as you watched? Yeah, I guess you do owe me, although I have to wonder, Damon, if I had died; would you feel guilty at all?"

I answered honestly, "I did for a second, but I guess I really only felt guilty about hurting Stefan since he truly believed he could save you."

She scoffed, standing up, "So what will you do now? Kill me, knowing that this time it'll stick? Or do you believe that I can be saved now?"

"To be honest, I'm not really sure."

She then stomped away and out the door calling, "Well when you finally figure it out, I'll be in my room. Goodnight jackass."

I heard her door slam and a few seconds later and neither Elena or Stefan stirred, which meant they were both dead asleep. These next couple of days were going to be interesting for sure.

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