Prisoner of Elijah

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(Damon POV)

I looked at my brother who was trapped in the tomb with Katherine and he asked, "You trapped Elena in her house?"

"Yep," I replied, "It's for the best. She's on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits. However we do have a problem."

"What's that?"

"Apparently, I didn't kill Elijah and he managed to capture Silva." Behind my brother I noticed Katherine's eyes widen in fear as I continued, "The reason why we couldn't find the moonstone yesterday is because Katherine doesn't have it. She gave it to Silva to negotiate her freedom, which means?"

Stefan frowned, "Elijah has Silva, which means he has the moonstone."

Katherine frowned, "Well Damon, what's your plan to get my daughter back?"

"I don't currently have one, and if I did, I wouldn't save your daughter. I'd get the moonstone and nothing more."

Katherine stomped back into the tomb and Stefan frowned, "Damon, you need to get Silva out too. If anything you owe her for trying to kill her."

I scoffed, "Fine, alright. I'll figure out a plan to save the little ghost. BRB."

(Silva POV)

I gasped awake and sat up only to see the chains on my wrists and ankles. I frowned, tugging at them. Suddenly a voice froze me in place, "I'm glad you're finally awake."

I turned to see Elijah seated in a chair in the corner of the room. He got up and stalked over to me as I moved up the bed away from him, curling into a ball out of fear. He sat on the bed, taking one of my hands, "I'm not going to hurt you Silva. I'm just going to offer you a deal."

I looked into his eyes, shivering, "What deal?"

"I feel as though your powers make you an asset to be used against Klaus. I want your help in his demise and then you're free."

I frowned, "What about my mother?"

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Katherine has sealed her fate, but that does not mean you should die along with her."

I tore my hand away from him and screamed, "I am not going anywhere nor helping anyone without my mother!"

Elijah sighed, "Then I'm afraid that I'm going to have to do this the hard way. Martin!"

An older looking man came in, "Yes Elijah."

"Prepare the ritual, we need to eliminate her power as a threat to our cause."

The witch nodded, "Understood Luka and I shall prepare the ritual to take place tonight."

He left the room and Elijah got up to follow and I asked, "What ritual? What do you mean eliminate me?"

Elijah stopped at the door, "Well if you refuse to help me then I don't have any use for you, which means that I need you to not be a threat to my mission."

My eyes widened, "You're gonna kill me. No! NO! LET ME GO!"

Elijah left me in the dark room, trying to get free to no avail. I curled up and started crying, "Someone help me."

(Elena POV)

Elijah had been invited into my home and we had just made a deal. I would help him with his plan as long as no one I cared about got hurt. I gave him a list of names of people he needed to protect and finally I said, "I want you to return Silva to me. You can keep the moonstone."

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