Game On

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(Silva POV)

I woke up the next morning to the sound of distressed Salvatore voices and walked out of my room only to hear the front door close. I leaned over the bannister, "Mom? What's up?"

Katherine smiled, walking up to me, embracing me in a hug, "Good morning, my dear. And the Salvatores are worried because Isobel is in town stirring up a storm."

I raised my eyebrow, "Isobel? Which means John Gilbert and that equals how you got out of the tomb. Brilliant as always mother."

She smirked and stroked my face, leading me up to her room, "It wasn't just about getting out of the tomb. It was about getting you back and away from Elijah too. Get dressed, we have a ton of things to do today."

I nodded, "We're going against the Salvatores?"

"Yes, because they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off and refusing my help and my knowledge about Klaus and the Originals. If Isobel's back that means she found Klaus and all we need is our bargaining chips."

I nodded, "Elena and the moonstone. I understand, I'll get dressed right now and go talk to Isobel."

"No, I need you here looking for the moonstone and seducing Damon."

"Why do I need to seduce Damon?"

"Because I've lost my control over him, but he does seem to care an awful lot about you. And from what I can see, it's not just guilt."

"Okay, I don't see it, but I'll give it a shot."

"That's my girl. Also see if you can try and get into Elena's good graces, just enough so that she trusts you."

"Understood, let the epic backstabbing begin." 

I went to my room and stripped out of my pajamas, calling Damon, "Morning Silva, how can I help you?"

"Hey Damon, I heard you and Stefan leave in a rush this morning. I'm worried and I want to help. What's going on?"

"Take it easy, little badass, you're human now and still recovering. Take it easy today okay?"

"I can't Damon. I can't just sit and be still. Remember what happened last time I got bored, I really don't want a repeat of you killing me."

"What about your mother, can't she entertain you?"

"She said she was going out to get me breakfast, but it's me who needs to get out. I need to be doing something, help a girl out Damon please."

"Alright, fine. I'll call Stefan, maybe he has something for you to do."

I sighed, "Okay please hurry. I'm really starting to get antsy." I hung up the phone and began searching Damon's room knowing it had to be in there somewhere. He wouldn't even trust Elena or Stefan with it's location. After getting ash and silt in my hands from checking the fireplace and about every nook and cranny in the whole house, I washed my hands in his sink and noticed the soap dish with at least seven different soaps. I took them out one by one to try and find the best smelling one and gasped slightly at my discovery at the bottom of the dish. The moonstone.

I texted Katherine, "Let Isobel know I have the moonstone. Task one complete."

A couple minutes later Katherine texted back, "Good, I'm almost done here. Be back soon."

"You might want to bring me back breakfast too. That was the lie I told Damon as to why he had to entertain me instead of you."

"Got it, be back soon, with pancakes and eggs. Love you Silva."

Raised by Katherine Pierce [1] (TVD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now