End to a Long Night

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(Stefan POV)

After the witch left, Damon picked up Katherine's limp body and the moonstone, "I've got Katherine and will bury the dead girl. I trust you can handle the daughter."

I looked down at Silva and noticed her wounds slowly stitching shut. I nodded, "I got her."

Damon nodded, speeding away as I knelt down beside the girl. She flinched away from me, but I tried to comfort her, "Easy, Silva, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm trying to help you, will you let me help you?"

She turned to look up at me and I noticed something I had seen from her before. I saw weakness; behind the mask, I saw a child who wanted nothing more than her parent's approval and love. The look she gave reminded me of Damon. I held out my hand to her, "I can heal you if you want."

She shook her head, but took my hand and I helped pull her to her feet. I led her downstairs and back to the house. I led her up to a spare room and she sat on the bed. "Do you want me to bring you anything?"

She looked down at her hands and nodded, but didn't say a word. She just reached over grabbing a pen of the bedside table, removing her mask. She took my hand and wrote down an address, "Mine and Katherine's clothes are there."

I nodded, smiling sadly at the girl, "Okay, I'll be back soon. Promise not to go anywhere?"

She nodded and I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I took my car, figuring there would be more than I could carry. When I got back, I noticed her sitting next to the window, staring out into the night. I set her stuff down and she spoke without taking her eyes off the sky, "Can I ask you a question, Stefan?"

"Uh, sure. What do you wanna know?"

"How do you know that Elena loves you? Is there some sort of indicator."

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to know once and for all if Katherine loves me or is just using me." She turned to look at me, curling her knees into her chest, "How do you know Elena loves you?"

I came to sit opposite the girl, "I know Elena loves me because she's willing to die in order to save me from myself. She loves me despite of what I am, and has never intentionally hurt me."

Silva sighed, "I was afraid that you would say something like that."

"Why? I just told you the truth."

"Yeah, but that means Katherine never truly loved me. She's never had to risk her life to protect mine. She has hurt me and tortured me every time I refused to follow through on an order. I've even killed people for her. I hate who I am, I despise the person she's molded me into." 

I saw the tears forming in her eyes and I took her hands, "I understand, and I promise to help you realize who you are and who you want to be." Suddenly a thought struck me, "Wait here."

I raced out of the room and grabbed an empty journal, racing back to the girl. "Here, you can start by writing down your life's story. I find it easier to look back and figure out what I need to change when I write it down."

She hesitantly took the journal and smiled, "Thank you, but I'm probably gonna get some sleep before taking a trip down memory lane. If that's alright with you."

I nodded, "Right, goodnight then." I got up and walked out of the room. Just before I closed the door, I noticed Silva eye the journal with interest, but set it down and head into the bathroom.

I closed the door and headed downstairs hearing Damon walk in, "Did you take care of Katherine?"

He poured himself a drink, "Yep, Katherine is exactly where she should've been and she has what she wanted most, the moonstone. She did ask what happened to Silva, but I didn't even satisfy her with an answer. Speaking of which, how is our new house guest?"

I sighed, "A broken, lost little girl who hates who she is, but doesn't know how to change."

Damon nodded, "Good, that's exactly what she is and you're job to bring her to the light and save her soul."

I smirked, "I know, and I will. Although I could use your help."

Damon looked at me with disbelief, "Me....help you? You do realize that when our plan was to bring her to our side, I bit her as soon as I saw her and she snapped my neck."

"I'm aware, but I noticed a lot of similarities between you two. You might be able to get through to her better than I can."

Damon took a drink, "Really? Enlighten me brother what similarities do you see between me and our new house guest?"

I poured myself a drink before sitting down, "Well, what I saw in her, was a child who was desperate to please an unloving parent. She hates the person who she sees in a mirror. She never wanted to be a killer, but was forced to become one."

Damon scoffed, "Right, but you see Stefan here's the difference between me and that self destructive child. I might have hated that you turned me, but when I look in he mirror, I see a sexy, immortal stud. I love being a vampire. I never wanted to please our jerkwad of a father. He never cared about us so why would I care about him. I'm strong, Silva Pierce is weak. Without Katherine she is nothing." Damon downed the rest of his drink and smirked, "I'm not going to help you provide therapy. I have better things to do."

I frowned downing the rest of my drink before heading up to my room. I passed Silva's door, hearing her slow, even breathing. I silently promised to help her like I had helped Caroline and Elena.

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