Lay Low

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(Silva POV)

I had been ordered by Katherine to lay low for a couple of days. Now that Stefan and Elena knew Katherine had an ally, they'd be looking for me and it wasn't safe for me to just walk around. 

However the only problem with laying low was the indescribable boredom, so when Katherine went out I snuck out to find a club to party in. I finally found a twenty four hour dance club that kept the lights low and the drinks coming.

Not wanting to be found I turned off my phone and took to the dance floor. Today was some sort of community gathering, so the club was fairly empty, spare a few regulars and passed out drunks. I pretty much had the dance floor to myself and allowed myself to get lost in the music. 

It almost became like a dream.

The whole world seemed to fade away; the threat of the Originals, Katherine, the moonstone, and even all the bad things I had done over the years! Right now the only thing that mattered to me was how I felt and how long could I go before having to take a break. 

Once I finally sat down I opened my phone to see several messages from Katherine and one from Mason. His message said, "Your blonde vampire attacked me and might have saved the Salvatore brothers from death. I'm going to need a serious explanation. Call me back."

I didn't reply and instead sent a text to Caroline, "Watch yourself, dear, your job is to split up the lovebirds and protect the doppelgänger. Do not overstep your bounds."

Katherine would want to know that her true love was nearly killed by her werewolf lover so I gave her a call, which thankfully went to voicemail, "Hey mom, just thought I'd let you know that I was bored and went out on the town. Rest assured that I am totally out of sight, but I think I should let you know that your werewolf lover attempted to kill the Salvatore brothers today. He needs to be reminded of what he needs to be searching for. I'll be back well before midnight. Bye!"

With that I turned my cell back off and indulged in a couple of drinks before getting back on the dance floor.

(Caroline POV)

I was breaking, my mom knew what I was and wanted nothing to do with me and when I went home I knew Katherine was bound to be there waiting for my report on the days events. Not to mention a text from her just as psychotic daughter reminding me not to overstep my bounds.

With a little pressure from Elena, I spilled everything. While Elena was more interested in Katherine, Stefan seemed more interested about her daughter, Silva. Apparently she was neither a witch, werewolf, or vampire and we had no idea how to beat her.

So the brothers began interrogating me about what I had heard from the two bitches. They were trying to discern how to either recruit Silva to our side or at least occupy her long enough to eliminate Katherine.

"Why can't we just lock her up?" Damon asked

To which Stefan replied, "We can't, I tried and it failed. But one thing I know for sure is that Silva's whole life revolves around Katherine if we were able to somehow separate her from Katherine long enough to convince her that she doesn't need Katherine."

Elena caught on to Stefan's plan, "Once she has someone else she can rely on, Katherine loses her biggest ally and then we learn what she's doing here."

Damon smirked, "Now we're talking, and I might be able to distract her."

I perked up, "And how are you going to do that?"

"Well, as it so happens, Silva was at the Lockwood Mansion earlier this week and introduced herself to me as Silvia Baker. I find her and turn on my obvious charm and then lead her to an intervention of Stefan's heroic design."

Stefan nodded, "I like it, but how are you going to find her?"

Damon smiled, "I might have a few ideas. She's probably been ordered to stay low now that Katherine outed her to you, but she's the type of girl that gets bored easily. She's probably out there right now, fulfilling her desires, while also avoiding Katherine so that she doesn't get into trouble."

Stefan spoke up, "That means she's already cut herself off from Katherine. We need to find her."

Damon raised up his hands, "Easy brother, let me find her. You need to stay here and set up our little intervention."

Elena helped me get settled in one of the guest rooms while Damon went out to fetch my killer. I thought that I wouldn't fall asleep, but after a bit I did and didn't wake up until morning.

(Silva POV)

I grabbed another break and received a text from Katherine, "Don't bother coming home, Mason found the moonstone. Stay out as long as you want because Mason and I will be busy well into the early morning."

I gagged in my mouth, but was also happy that my freedom for tonight had been assured and Katherine's wrath had been quelled. I texted back, "Tell Mason good job and have fun."

I kept my phone on as I returned to the dance floor. Now that it was evening more people were arriving and joining me in dancing. Although some got more familiar than others. This one asshole kept grabbing at me no matter how many times I pulled or pushed him away until, surprise surprise, a Salvatore came to my rescue.

Damon compelled the man, "Leave and find some other desperate girl to molest."

I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, but Damon grabbed my hand and spun me back into him, "And where do you think you're going, you little minx? We have a few things to talk about."

I sighed, "Fine. You talk. I dance."

I continued to dance as Damon said, "So Silva, are you enjoying Mystic Falls?"

I smirked, "I hoped that you would figure it out. Serves you right for ditching me at the carnival. Although I suppose nearly burning to death at the hands of a witch was as good of punishment as any."

"How did you know about that?"

I looked back up at him, "You're brother didn't tell you? I can disappear at will." I leaned up and kissed him. I chuckled as I stepped away, disappearing, "Goodbye Damon."

I snuck over to the corner of the room and watched in hilarity as Damon frantically searched for an unseen force. He finally gave up and left, allowing me to grab a drink and a blackout drunk to take me to his place. One good thing about blackouts, all you have to do is hit them on the noggin once or twice and they'll drop like flies before they even have a chance to cop a feel.

With my virginity intact I fell asleep comfortably in the guy's guest bedroom and waited for morning to come.

(Damon POV)

I stomped into my house and Stefan came down, "Where's Silva?"

I grumbled, "I found her, but she disappeared before I could grab her. You seemed to have forgotten that little detail. One thing I will say though, she's just as smart as Katherine. She played me like a fiddle and then vanished."

Stefan sighed, "Well you can't really blame her Damon, the only person she has to look up to is Katherine. We'll get her, we just need an opportunity to talk to her alone."

I nodded taking a drink, "Goodnight brother."

He left to return to his bedroom and my mind wandered to the mature child who bested me. It made me wonder how dangerous she actually was.

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