False Rescue

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(Katherine POV)

Klaus had just compelled me to stay and left to complete his tasks for the day and I immediately ran into the bedroom to check on Silva. She had bruises all over her body, swollen black eyes, and a most likely broken, bloody nose. With my blood in her system after yesterday's near death experience with a knife, she was healing, but slowly.

Tears came to my eyes as I kissed her forehead, speaking to her unconscious form, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't stopped you than he wouldn't have gotten the chance to hurt you."

I started the bath and carried her in, cleaning her was the least I could do since I couldn't give her back what Klaus had taken from her. After drying her off and dressing her up, I tore off the bed sheets before laying her back down on the bed. The guilt of everything that had happened slowly began to eat me alive. So, after wrapping Silva up in a blanket from the living room and closing the bedroom door. I closed my eyes and was about to flip the switch when I heard her voice, "Mom?"

I opened my eyes and rushed to her side, "Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?"

She looked up at me, realization crossing her face, "Is he here?"

"No, darling, we're alone."

She then broke down, bursting into my arms, "I feel disgusting. How could he do that to me? I hate him!" I held her until she stopped crying and then she asked, "How did you not go mad running from him for so long?"

I sighed, stroking her head, "I did whatever I had to do to survive. After 500 years, I was hoping to strike a deal, but after what he did to you, he deserves the most gruesome death."

"But how? As soon as the sacrifice happens, he'll be impossible to kill."

I smirked, "Well then, I guess we're just going to have to be creative."

She chuckled, "Cocktails of vervain and wolfsbane?"

"Now you're talking."

She smiled, "It'll burn and keep him sedated." We sat for a few more minutes when she sat up, "I'm bored, is there anything we can do since neither of us can leave?"

I stood up as we walked into the other room together, "Well let's see." 

We both began to raid Alaric's kitchen when Silva opened a cabinet and her eyes lit up, "Score!"

She tossed me the bottle after taking a swig. I held it up, "Bourbon whiskey, nice." 

I took a drink as Silva smiled, taking down a second bottle for herself, "Now all we need is a little music and we'd be golden."

I smirked, walking over to the small radio turning it on and flipping to a club station, "This what you had in mind?"

Silva grinned, chugging a fourth of her bottle before beginning to bob her head and sway her hips to the music. I joined after a bit, snapping my fingers along to the beat. We danced around the entirety of the apartment when I hear someone out in the hallway with my vamp hearing. 

Someone I didn't recognize spoke first, "I don't think this is a good idea."

Damon answered, "Investigative Journalism......We're investigating."

I looked over at Silva who was lost in her own little world. But she snapped her head once there was a knock on the door, "Alaric, are you home? Andie Star, Jenna's friend?"

Now I had been compelled, but Silva hadn't, she rushed over to the door opening it, "Please! You have to help us!" She looked over and cried, "Damon! Thank god!" She tried to hug him, but was knocked back by the barrier spell.

Raised by Katherine Pierce [1] (TVD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now