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(Katherine  POV)

It was getting late and Klaus's witch was just watching in amusement as I once again stabbed myself in the thigh.

Klaus came back with a smile on his face, carrying something over his shoulder and locked eyes with me, "Ding Dong, the witch is dead. Oh and Katerina, I brought a gift for you."

He threw the unconscious girl down onto the floor in front of me and I cried, "No. NO, KLAUS! PLEASE! Please don't hurt her!"

He leaned down, "Oh I won't hurt her, yet. However once she wakes up, then the fun will begin."

(Elena POV)

After talking to Damon and apologizing for losing Silva, instead of going to bed where Stefan was waiting for me, I went down into the basement seeing that the only option left to save both Bonnie and Silva was to wake up Elijah.

I pulled the dagger from his chest and waited, hoping that Elijah would wake up in time to help.

(Silva POV)

I groaned, holding my head as it pounded. What the hell happened? I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the floor of a room I didn't recognize. I sat up and looked up to see my mom. "Mom?" I hugged her, "Thank god you're alive."

I then looked down to see a knife in the thigh, "What are you doing? Where are we?"

"You're with me, love"

I turned around as Alaric came out of his room, "Alaric? What am I doing here?"

Katherine spoke up, "Honey, that's not Alaric."

It clicked when I remembered that Alaric was the one who attacked me, "Klaus."

Alaric/Klaus held out his hands, "In the flesh, in a manner of speaking. And I am so glad that you're awake, sweetie, because now the fun can begin." He walked over to me and I pulled out the wooden bullet gun, shooting him in both thighs, dropping him to his knees.

"Sorry, Alaric." I grabbed mom, "Come on, we gotta go!"

"He compelled me, I can't! GO!"

Feeling helpless I ran for the door only to open it and a man hold out his hand to throw me back inside the apartment with a unseen force. I crashed into the wall before dropping to the floor, "You know, I've decided that I hate witches."

I got up and shot and the man, managing to shoot his right shoulder and wing his side before he used his magic to break my hand so that I'd drop the gun. I cried in pain, but could feel myself healing, which meant I still had some vampire blood in my system. The witch helped Klaus to his feet, "I should have expected the daughter of the great Katherine Pierce to fight back. Hold her down Maddox." I was forced flat onto my stomach as Klaus came over and began to search my dress, "Let's relieve you of the rest of your weapons, I don't want any more surprises. Luckily I know where you're weapons are."

I growled feeling him take my stakes and vervain flask, "Get your hands off of me!"

He snickered, "What? Never been touched by a man before."

"If you're going to use me to torture my mother then get on with it! So far I'm not at all impressed."

"Not impressed?"

"Now that I know that you're Alaric, I have to say that you're acting is impeccable, but you wouldn't have gotten away with it if my mother hadn't have given you pointers. And I just dropped you on your knees. I would be halfway back to the Salvatore House by now if your witch wasn't here. He scares me, but you don't."

Raised by Katherine Pierce [1] (TVD Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now