Slater's Apartment

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(Silva POV)

I got to Slater's apartment and knocked on the door to receive no answer. I smirked, "No answer huh? Guess I'm just going to let myself in."

I kicked the door in and stormed into the apartment. "Slater? You here? My name is Silva Pierce and I wanted to talk to you." However when I rounded the corner I found a vampire dead on the floor, whom I assumed was Slater, "Dammit, well a corpse is going to be of no help."

I knelt down to study the body more, "Wood stake straight through the heart, but  from the splinters in your fingers, you staked yourself. Why?"

I heard the door behind me open and I turned invisible backing away from the body into a corner. A woman came around the corner, "Slater?" Then she screamed, seeing his body, "Slater!" She started crying hovering over his desiccated body, "No, Slater! Come back! NO!"

I felt pity for the girl and decided to investigate more of the apartment while she was distracted. Slater, whoever he was, was a hoarder and a nerd. I found a file cabinet filled with names of different vampires and their histories, including when and who turned them. What i found most interesting was a computer that I needed a password to open.

I figured that I had no choice, I reappeared in front of the girl and grabbed her, "I need you to open up your boyfriend's computer."

"Who are you? Where'd you come from? Are you the one who killed Slater?!"

I shouted, "NO! I got here a few minutes before you did. I turned invisible because I thought you were the one who killed him. I'm sorry for your loss, what's your name?"


I helped her up onto her feet, "Well Alice, My name is Silva Pierce and Slater had something that I need."

Her eyes lit up, "Pierce? As in Katherine Pierce, aka Katerina Petrova?!"

"Yes, I'm her adopted daughter. Can you help me?"

"What did you need?"

"A way to get in touch with someone on Klaus' totem pole. I have an offer for him, the moonstone and the doppelgänger in exchange for my mother's freedom."


I took the woman's shoulder's, "Will you help me?"

Just before she could answer I heard a knock at the door and I shoved Alice away, "Find someplace to hide, it might be the people who killed Slater returning for his research. If they find you, then I'll jump out and provide a distraction for you to escape, okay?"

She nodded and I vanished, making my way over to the door as Rose and Elena stepped through. I cursed silently, but also saw this as my opportunity to grab Elena while she didn't have her Salvatore shield. The only problem would be Rose.

They found Alice and I reappeared, "Well well, if it isn't the woman who tried to kill me last night."

Rose flinched in slight fear, "Silva?"

"Hello, Rose. Goodbye Rose." 

I threw her up against a wall and tore the stake out of Slater aiming it at her when Elena got in my way, "Woah, Silva wait, what's wrong what did Rose do?"

I snickered, "Oh your boyfriend didn't tell you? Well last night, Stefan was teaching me how to dance when suddenly this little tramp and your boyfriend's brother rushed in and slit my wrists and throat. Damon stood over me and watched me bleed to death. However, there's only one way to kill me, but I still don't like bleeding out. She and Damon both deserve death for what they did to me."

Elena looked into my eyes, "Silva, look, I'm sorry for what happened to you and I promise that it won't happen again. You need to let Rose go."

I don't know if it was because Elena looked like my mother, but I sighed and released Rose, tossing her her stolen cellphone, "Here, sorry I stole this, but I needed some information from your dead friend." I dropped the stake and turned to Alice, "Alice if you help Elena and I, then I'll make sure Rose turns you."

Her eyes lit up as she hacked into Slater's computer and apparently Elena had the same idea I did. She was planning to hand herself over to Klaus to protect her friends and family, just like what I was doing for Katherine. I followed Elena out of the room as Rose demanded, "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting Klaus' attention," Elena replied simply.

"If Klaus knows you're alive, he'll come find you and he'll kill you."

I smirked and stepped between her and the doppelgänger, "Don't you see Rose? That's exactly what she wants."

Elena nodded, "It's either me or my family."

Rose frowned at Elena, "So this whole charade is some suicide mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else?"

Alice came into the room and I smiled as she addressed Elena, "Cody is on his way and he really wants to meet you."

I lounged on the couch, relaxing, "And now, we wait. I'm feeling good, what about you Elena?"

"Nervous, by the way, why are you here? I would've thought that you would be working on a plan to get Katherine out of the tomb."

She sat next to me and I smiled, "Oh, I'll get her out of the tomb, but I need to get Klaus off her back first." I reached in my boot and pulled out the moonstone, "That's why she gave this to me."

"The moonstone, she gave it to you, which means she doesn't have it."

I shook my head, sliding the stone back into my boot, "Nope, but the Salvatore boys don't know that, do they? So when you hand yourself over, I'll surrender and negotiate with Klaus in person." I laid back sighing, "Wake me up when our guests arrive, I'm gonna take a nap. And if I feel you try to take the moonstone, I'll break your hand, understand?"

She raised her hands and got up, "I got it."

I watched walk over to the window and look outside. I could practically feel the stress come off her in waves as I closed my eyes.

I woke up to Rose manhandling me as she dragged me into the room where Damon was currently glaring at Elena, "Damon, I've got Silva restrained."

"Good, we're taking her and and little miss suicide here and leaving. I'm gonna go compel Alice to forget this horribly stupid day."

He walked into the other room and I stepped on Rose's foot throwing my head back to hit her in the nose to break free. I punched her, knocking her to the floor, "Don't ever presume to touch me ever again. I hate you and when the time comes, I'll kill you and Damon." I proceeded to kick Rose a couple of times before Damon charged me from behind and throw me across the room.

He helped Rose up onto her feet as the doors opened and three vampires stepped through. "We're here to meet the doppelgänger."

I stayed low and quiet as Elena nodded, "Thank you for coming."

She tried to step toward them, but Damon grabbed her arm, "I will break your arm." He then turned to the vampires, "There's nothing here for you."

The man guarding the door suddenly collapsed dead and in his place stood Elijah. I immediately disappeared, hoping to somehow sneak past him as he approached the other two vampires, and Rose sped out in fear. I was almost out the door, keeping my eyes on Elijah, gasping as he ripped out their hearts. I realized my mistake in making noise now that Elijah had me pinned up against the door, "And where do you think you're going?"

I reappeared, trying to pry his hand off my neck. I looked at Elena, getting out only two words before I blacked out from asphyxiation, "Help me."

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