First Night in Mystic Falls

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When Katherine and I arrived in Mystic Falls, she got to work on her plan, but encouraged that I take the day to go sightseeing and scope out the town before getting down and dirty undercover tomorrow.

I wore a simple, but elegant yellow sundress as I watched the parade floats. I nearly burst out laughing when I saw Katherine's doppelgänger up on a float with none other than the man Katherine loved the most. I took out my phone and snapped a photo, sending it to Katherine with a message, "Guess Stefan Salvatore never got over you if he's with a girl who shares your face. BTW, you're way prettier than she could ever be."

"Thanks sweetheart, don't forget to be back by 11."

"Since when did you ever give me a curfew?"

"Since we arrived in enemy territory. Don't waste your free time, I need you to be ready for war tomorrow."

"Fine, I'll be back by 11. Love you!"

"Love you too, honey."

I sighed, putting away my phone and managed to find my way to a diner called the Mystic Grill for lunch. The thing was, without Katherine or Mason, I was bored. Hopefully Katherine wouldn't be too upset if I decided to spend the night at a hotel with a guy.

So I pulled out my phone and called her, "What's wrong, Silva? Are you ok?"

"I'm bored, and I wanted to ask you if it was ok if I violated my curfew and spent the night losing my virginity to the first guy that catches my fancy."

"Absolutely not! If you're so desperate for some entertainment, meet me at the address I'm sending you."

"Thanks, I can always count on you."

I heard her sigh, "God, I almost regret raising you to be a serial killer."

I smirked, "Aw, but that's the best part about me." I lowered my voice to whisper, "Ripping into a man's torso and feeding him his own guts. Watching as the light slowly drains from his eyes and his heart beat its very last beat."

"Just get to the address and I'll let you loose on some poor soul, I promise." She hung up and I smiled to myself as I read the address. I grabbed a drink to go and headed in that direction. I snuck in the back door and smirked as I hid and watched Katherine sneak her way in the front door posing as her doppelgänger. 

I made my way toward the kitchen and spotted my supposed prey talk about one of my mother's descendants, Isobel Flemming. Personally, I hated the bitch, but she was a good contact whenever we needed information. 

I nearly grinned as I laid eyes on the knives and walked in as soon as Katherine effectively cut off all the fingers on his right hand. "Aw mom, I wanted to do that."

She shoved the man into the cabinet as he looked up at her, "Katherine?"

She flashed him her eyes and tossed me the knife, "Hello John. Goodbye John." 

I stabbed the man in the gut and giggled, "Have fun bleeding out." I was about to stab him again, but Katherine grabbed me and raced me into the other room, "What are you doing?"

She shushed me and covered my mouth. I heard the lock turn on the front door and nodded as the doppelgänger walked in. Katherine removed her hand and I smiled as we freaked her out a bit before rushing out the front door.

I started laughing hysterically as we stopped down the street, "Hahaha! Did you see his face? And the fear coming of of her? Haha!"

Katherine smirked, "I consider that a job well done. Our job is done, but I feel like letting loose. You in?"

I hugged her, "Always, mom."

We made our way to a club and danced and drank together before I passed out. For my first day in Mystic Falls, it wasn't bad and I could only anticipate the fun I would have in the days to come.

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