No Hope

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(Silva POV)

I woke up in pain, still lying on the floor where I had been yesterday. It was dark outside, but there was a lamp on in the room. I rose to my feet as quietly as I could; Katherine was still sitting in the chair she had been when I had passed out, only she was asleep. I checked my wounds; I was covered in dried blood, but thankfully all of my wounds had healed. I knew that there couldn't be much vampire blood left in my system, which meant Klaus would soon be able to cause permanent damage to my body.

I steadily took the knife away from Katherine and covered her mouthed when she jerked awake. I began wiping up the blood on her, but Katherine shook her head, pointing toward the door, mouthing, 'Get Out' and 'Leave Me'.

I looked around and found the flask of vervain Klaus had taken off of me and mouthed 'Vervain' to Katherine before hiding the flask behind a plant. Katherine nodded and I walked over to her, giving her one last hug, mouthing 'I love you' before quietly, putting back on my dress and making my way over to the door. I turned the doorknob as slowly and softly as I could. I paused hearing nothing from anywhere in the apartment before opening the door.

I smiled happily only to take one step and be knocked back by an invisible force, a barrier spell. I whispered, "No." I began pounding on the barrier, turning to Katherine with tears starting to form in my eyes, "I can't leave."

Katherine then motioned to my bloody pool on the floor, "Lie back down before he wakes up. He won't hurt you if you're asleep." I shook my head knowing that if I lived I would be used to torture her. I grabbed the knife I took from her aiming it at my heart. "What are you doing?"

"Killing myself so that he can't use me to hurt you."

"No, Silva don't. Stop. Look at me." I looked up at her, "What are we?" I thought about it for a moment before she answered, "We are survivors."

"You are. Katherine Pierce, you are a survivor. I'm not. I'm just some girl you picked up off the street."

"You might have been at the start, but I raised you. You have survived things and have become something that most men couldn't even dream of. As much as I hate to admit it, you don't need me anymore. If I were to die right now, you could survive just fine on your own; probably even better than I have been. You are stronger than I am."

I smiled sadly, taking in her words, "I'm glad that you believe that I've exceeded your expectations, but I will not allow myself to be used to hurt you."

I readied the knife again as Katherine screamed, "Klaus! KLAUS! STOP HER!"

I jammed the knife into my chest, falling to the floor. Maddox came out first assessing my wound before turning to Klaus, "If I remove the knife she'll bleed out faster."

Klaus sneered, pulling Katherine in, compelling her, "You will not let her die. Heal her."

I shook my head as Katherine knelt down, pulling my head into her lap. She bit down on her wrist, forcing her blood down my throat before removing the knife. I gasped for air, coughing and crying from the pain. When the wound healed and Klaus yanked me to my feet, "Did you really think death was going to be your escape?" He looked down at my blood-soaked and bloodstained dress, sneering, "Go clean yourself up, I'll have clothes prepared for when you're done. And don't try to kill yourself unless I tell you otherwise."

I nodded, walking robotically into Alaric's bathroom. I locked the door behind me and flipped on the light, nearly screaming at the reflection in the mirror. I stared at my reflection, looking as if I had just walked out as the winner in a bloody brawl where only one person survived. I turned on the water as I stripped out of my dress, boots, socks, an jewelry; standing in just my underwear.

I was running through ideas on how to get out of here. I knew at the very least, I had to kill Maddox, or the spell trapping me here wouldn't dissipate. As I removed my undergarments and stepped into the now warm shower water, letting it fall over me, I ran through different ideas on exactly how to kill him so that it was quick, but excruciatingly painful.

I finally settled on either poisoning him with wolfsbane, because there was bound to be some around; this was Alaric's apartment after all; or simply slitting his throat in his sleep. I got out of the shower and dried myself off, wrapping myself up tightly in the towel before stepping out of the bathroom.

Klaus was seated at the end of Alaric's bed, waiting for me, "Well, come here." I walked over to him and he handed me a stack of folded clothes, "Sorry if they're a little big, love."

I nodded and turned to go back into the bathroom, when Klaus seized my arm, "Where are you going? You can change right here, where I can see you."

I clenched, I had never changed in front of a man before and I was not going to let this monster be the first man to ever see me naked. I stayed quiet, tightening my grip on the towel and closing my eyes. I felt him move to my side, his breath on my ear, "What's the matter? Not comfortable changing in front of me? How far have you ever gone? It would come as a shock to me if the daughter of the whore, Katerina Petrova, were still a virgin. Are you a virgin love?"

I remained quiet, feeling him release my arm and head back into the other room. I took this as my chance to burst into the bathroom and lock the door. I quickly pulled on the boxers and sweatpants before pounding erupted on the door, "Silva, unlock the door!" I pulled on the t-shirt and began buttoning up the plaid over-shirt, with my back pressed against the door, as I heard the lock click and Klaus began trying to force his way in.

I squeaked in fear, hoping to keep him out a little longer, instead the door came crashing on top of me. Klaus grabbed me by the arm and I fought hard. I didn't care about revealing the vervain around my ankle, I was not going to allow this bastard to rape me without a fight.

However no matter much I fought, Klaus forced me down onto the bed and began tearing off my clothes. I knew from that moment on, there was no hope of me ever being happy again; that is if I ever was happy before.

(Elijah POV)

After telling the story of my brother to Elena, I asked her, "So how is Silva? She must have regained her memory after you daggered me."

Elena clenched, "Klaus took her to torture Katherine, we don't know if she's alive or not."

I sipped my tea, "I certainly hope she is. Although I doubt she hasn't already been tortured to some degree. My brother is quite malicious."

"Do you think we can still save her?"

"Oh I have no doubt about that, Elena. Katherine might be a survivor, but Silva is something else entirely. She's been through more hell because of Katherine than either of us will ever know. That's what gives Silva more edge than her mother, how can you touch a woman who wears her pain like the grandest of diamonds around her neck? Even while under my compulsion to forget Katherine, she still carried herself like a warrior and her aura was that of a queen."

The doppelganger looked at me, "You like her, don't you?"

I eyed her, "Yes, I like how fearless she is and that even when she is knocked down, she finds a way to stand back up. However, I have zero romantic ties to her."

After renewing the terms of our contract, Elena invited me into the Salvatore house. However, despite my conviction to Elena, I couldn't deny that my mind drifted to Silva, praying that she was everything I described her to be and would come out of Niklaus's torture alive.

Author's Note:

Yikes, what should happen next? How will Silva bounce back from this?

Anyway, I want to play a game called OTP, BROTP, or NOTP with these three pairings.

Silva x Elijah

Silva x Damon

Silva x Stefan

Any other pairing you wish to see explored in the future?

I'm always open to suggestions.

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