Carnival Fun

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After getting home from killing Caroline, I slept like a baby before waking up and Katherine saying, "I don't have anything for you today, so take a day for yourself. I hear that there's a carnival today. Go have fun, but not too much fun, ok?"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay fine." I got dressed and got lunch at the Grill. 

I had just gotten my food when someone sat down across from me, "Looks like our toast came true."

I chuckled, "Damon, what a surprise. How are you doing today?"

"Eh, not so good, I pissed off the girl I liked last night after getting heartbroken." I snickered, and he asked, "You think that's funny?"

I nodded, "Oh no, sorry, I was just remembering that I only just met you yesterday and now you're venting your problems to me? Kinda moving a little quick aren't you?"

"Is that a problem for you?"

I took a bite of my food, "No, it's just that when people talk about their lives, I feel obligated to share mine. However, I don't really like sharing about my life."

"Why not, may I ask?" the vampire asked

I sighed, "My family abandoned me when I was a baby. If it wasn't for my now legal guardian, I would have frozen to death that night and wouldn't have grown up to live my life. But even so, sometimes I think it would have been better if I had died that night." I shook my head and smiled, "I'm sorry, I need to go."

I grabbed my bag and Damon stopped me, "Wait, meet me at the carnival tonight. I promise to do all the talking and all you have to do is enjoy yourself, deal?"

I grinned, "Well, now how can I say no to that? Meet you at six?"

He kissed my hand, "It's a date, Miss Baker."

I practically skipped out of the Grill and shuddered at how good I was at playing another person. It made me wonder who I really was. Did I even know who I was? Was I just a killer? Or was I something more? Could I be something more?

I stopped walking and stood there just thinking to myself. I was broken out of my trance by someone shouting, "Hey! Look out!" I looked up and saw a car speeding toward me. I closed my eyes, hearing the car horn, but was tackled out of the way.

I slowly opened my eyes and was yanked up by none other than Mason, "What the hell were you thinking?! Standing in the middle of the road like that could actually get you killed?!"

I took one breath before breaking into tears. I clutched onto Mason's shirt as another voice asked, "Hey Mason is she ok?"

"She's fine Tyler, just a little shaken. Come on, let's get her home." Mason scooped me up in his arms and brought me back to the Lockwood Mansion. He sat me down in a chair and told Tyler, "Hey, Ty, can you go make some tea for her?"

He nodded, "Yeah sure."

As soon as he left the room Mason knelt down in front of me, so that I was looking into his eyes, "Silva, are you ok?"

I shook my head, "I don't know Mason."

"What were you doing in the middle of the road like that?"

I ignored his question and asked mine, "Am I killer?"

He scoffed, "Is that even a question?"

I wiped my eyes, "Is that all I am? Because I don't know who I am anymore."

He took my face in his hands, "You, Silva Pierce, are the daughter of Katherine Pierce. You are strong, brave, and fiercely protective of the ones you care about and will protect them no matter what it takes. Never be ashamed of who you are or what you've done, because in the end, it won't mean anything. You, Kathy, and I will be free from the werwolf curse that's ruining our lives."

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