Party Time

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(Silva POV)

Katherine and I decided to go out and have Caroline deliver a message to the Salvatore brothers and compel quarterback of the year, Matt Donovan, to be my date just in time for the party tonight. After threatening Caroline and compelling Matt, Katherine and I went shopping for dresses and masks for the masquerade ball.

We had just got back and Miss Flowers, the owner, was helping us with the bags. However once she left Katherine ran into the room and threw a figure up against the wall. I gasped when I recognized who it was, "Katherine wait, it's Lucy."

Lucy scoffed, "Woah, Kat, chill."

Katherine sighed, releasing her, "Do not sneak up on a vampire protecting her daughter."

Lucy smirked, "Don't attack a witch. It's good to see you girl."

The two hugged and then Lucy turned to lock eyes with me, smiling, "Silva, you've grown."

I smiled, "You came."

"You called, I came."

Katherine smirked, "Like you had a choice."

Lucy looked back at my mom, "Don't go all boss lady on me. You know I love you and Silva."

Lucy turned back to me and held out her arms, "Come here you." I walked into her arms and I felt her flinch before pulling away, "What happened to you?"

I shrugged, "Well I kind of became a living ghost; not fully dead, but not fully alive either."

Katherine stepped between us, beginning to shuffle through the clothes we bought, "It was necessary, I didn't want to force vampirism on her, but like this Silva is perfectly capable of taking care of herself and I will never lose her."

Lucy shook her head, "Jesus, she doesn't even feel like herself anymore. What exactly did you put her through Katherine, she's still just a kid." Lucy placed her hands on my bare arms again before looking up at me. "Are you okay? You feel cold."

I took a cleansing breath, "Uh, yeah, nothing you need to worry about." 

Katherine handed Lucy a mask, who asked, "Now where does one wear this?"

"To a masquerade ball. Tonight. You want to be my date?"

Lucy smiled, holding the mask up to her face, "Of course, but what about Silva?"

"Oh, she already has one. Ready to get to work?"

Lucy smirked, "Always."

A little later I was changing in the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I frowned and touched the glass. I felt like the person I was looking at was beautiful, but somehow couldn't be me, there was no way someone like me could look so gorgeous. I was a hideous human being and an even worse ghost.

Lucy knocked before walking in, "Hey, need a hand in here?"

I put on a fake smile, "Yeah, actually, can you do my hair?"

The witch smiled, "For you, always."

I watched Lucy work her magic, pun intended, on my hair, but all I could do was stare at the wolf in sheep's clothing, staring back at me. Lucy finally spoke up, "Okay, what's wrong? You are usually so bubbly and full of joy, what happened?"

I turned on the faucet and kicked the bathroom door shut, so that Katherine wouldn't overhear, "I, uh, had an epiphany lately. I realized that I was a master at being someone else and it got me asking who I really was. How funny that we're going to a masquerade ball when all I want to do is remove the mask that seems to be glued to my face."

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