Deal in Action

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(Silvia POV)

Apparently there was a werewolf problem needing dealt with and I went with Jonas Martin to deal with it. Martin performed his spell as I approached the Salvatore brothers, "Elijah made a promise to Elena, my associate and I are here to see that it is upheld. You need to take the young vampiress and go."

When no one moved I gestured to Jonas who stepped up next to me. "Get out of here. Now. Allow us to clean up your mess."

I watched as Stefan took Caroline away as I walked passed the other Salvatore and up to the young wolf, "When your friends awaken; give them a message. They need to get the hell out of this town." He nodded and I turned around walking back to Martin, but the older Salvatore grasped my arm, "Hey, I know you don't know me, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hurt you the way I did."

I removed my arm from his grasp and nodded, "I know about the girl, Silva. Elijah told me that people would mistake me for her." I smiled at him, "Whatever you did to her, I'm sure that she would forgive you in time." I shrugged, following Martin, "I would as long as you were truthful and honest with you're apology. See you around, older Salvatore."

The next day Elijah asked me to go to a tea party with him for the Mystic Falls Historical Society. I agreed, but how could I have refused. Before the party Elijah gave me a vervain bracelet to keep the other vampires in town out of my head, as well as Klaus when we lured him into town. I decided to place the bracelet around my ankle, so that it wouldn't be easily discovered nor removed by said vampires. 

Carol Lockwood immediately invited us into her home and I began to enjoy the party by Elijah's side. After a while, once the party was in full swing, Carol engaged us in conversation, "I don't think we got an opportunity to introduce ourselves. My name is Carol Lockwood, welcome to Mystic Falls."

Elijah shook her hand, "Elijah Smith, thank you for welcoming me into your town to help me write my book."

"Of course not, now have you spent much time in Richmond? There's such a wealth of history there."

I frowned as she brushed me off as Elijah answered, "No, I'm mostly focusing on smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic. May I introduce my assistant, Silvia Henrikson, a true poet with words and an excellent and efficient researcher."

I held out my hand for her to shake, smiling all the while, "Charmed, I'm sure."

Carol took my hand, reluctantly, "Likewise."

Elijah then took my other hand kissing it, "And to my surprise an excellent dance partner."

I smirked about to ask for a dance when the older Salvatore approached us, "Carol."

"Damon, what a surprise." They kissed cheeks and Carol turned to Elijah and I, "Elijah, Silvia, I would like to introduce you two to to Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families."

Damon gave a fake smile to Elijah holding out his hand, "Mm-hm, such a pleasure to meet you."

Elijah placed himself between Damon and I, shaking his hand, "No. The pleasure is all mine."

"Care to join me for a drink and chat in the study?"

Elijah nodded, "Of course." He then turned to me, "Why don't you wait for me outside?"

I shook my head, grabbing onto his arm, "I'm not leaving you." I looked at Damon, "Besides I'd like to be a witness to this chat. No doubt it concerns our book." 

Carol finally took the hint, "Well I have other guests to entertain, enjoy your talk."

Damon led Elijah and I into the study and Elijah allowed me to sit in one of the chairs, "So, Damon, what can I do for you?"

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