Witch Problems

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(Elena POV)

I thought waking up after daggering Elijah would mean that all my problems were solved, apparently not, considering Katherine was out of the tomb and already impersonating me. After Stefan nearly suffocated me, thinking I was Katherine, Silva came stomping down the hall shouting, "Will everyone shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" However as soon as her eyes landed on Katherine, she burst forward, hugging her, "Oh mom, I missed you. I'm so sorry!"

Katherine tried to play it off, pushing her away, "Uh no, I'm Elena."

To which the girl frowned, looking between her mother and me, "Please, you really think I can't tell the difference between my mother and an even worse Bella Swan?"

Katherine smiled, hugging her daughter back, "That's my girl, I missed you too sweetheart. However I will have to punish you for allowing yourself to be caught so easily by an Original."

I gasped as Katherine snatched Silva's throat and throw her down the hallway. Silva had no time to recover as Katherine raced toward her body, kicking her in the stomach hard enough to send her tumbling down the stairs. As Stefan ran out to stop Katherine's advance, Damon came up from downstairs to check on Silva. He healed her unconscious form with his blood and sneered at my look-alike, "Leave her alone, Katherine, it wasn't her fault she got caught."

Katherine pushed Stefan off of her, but replied to Damon, "Oh, it's her fault and she knows it. Notice how she didn't fight back."

Now Stefan became protective of her, "How could she?! She's human and your a 500 year old vampire!"

Katherine remained calm, smirking, "Check her boots and pockets. She could've defended herself."

Damon did and pulled out two stakes and a flask of vervain water as Katherine continued, "I raised her to protect herself against the Originals who were hunting me. As a ghost she was more than able to defend herself, instead she got turned back into a worthless human and her memories erased. I'd call that a failure, which needs to be remedied." She then eyed all of us, before looking down at her daughter, "You're all kidding yourselves if you think you can stop me from disciplining my own daughter. I'm gonna change, call me when she deigns to wake up."

As Katherine walked away, I came up behind Stefan, "We need to get to school, but I don't want to leave Silva here alone with her."

Damon picked up the girl, "Don't worry, Elena, I'll take care of her. I owe her for trying to kill her. You two kids get to school." I watched as Damon carried Silva gently past us.

(Silva POV)

I woke up after being attacked by Katherine only to hear a struggle and my mother crying out for help. I ran downstairs to the basement seeing Damon and Katherine with stakes in their stomachs. I noticed the dagger moving out on its own out of Elijah's chest and grabbed the flamethrower next to the door and lit the body and the air around it.

After a few minutes I stopped, shoving back in the smoking dagger, burning my palms in the process, before immediately turning to pull out the stakes from Katherine and Damon. I then held my wrists up to them, "Drink. You'll need your strength. I've seen what the Martin witches can do up close." Katherine took my wrist and bit into it, while Damon asked if it was okay with his eyes. I nodded and then he bit in. I had only ever fed Katherine before, so having two vampires feed from me was rather draining, especially after what happened yesterday and this morning.

Katherine healed me this time, stroking my face, "Thank you, consider yourself forgiven and off the hook." She then helped me up, "You've had a very trying week, so let's get you back into bed quickly so mommy can go help save helpless Elena."

She started leading me away, but I stopped her, "No, I'm coming with you! Please! Let me prove myself to you!"

She nodded, "Okay."

While Katherine switched places with Elena I headed to the Grill and protected Caroline from being staked and was able to help her control herself to heal Matt. I then rushed over to the Gilbert House and ran upstairs to tear Martin away from my mother, throwing him to the floor, "Stay away from my mother!"

However in a sudden dizzy spell Martin knocked me back and Katherine bit into him, throwing him to the floor, "Hurt my daughter and I end you." She helped me up, "Come on, we need to get you home now so you can rest."

I took a step only to fall to my knees and in response, Katherine scooped me up, "Easy, baby girl. I gotcha. Go to sleep now."

I nodded and slipped asleep in her arms, allowing the oh so familiar darkness to wrap me up in its comforting tendrils.

(Damon POV)

I finally got to the Gilbert House in order to get rid of the papa witch's body as Katherine came downstairs, carrying a sleeping Silva, "Is she okay?"

Katherine nodded, looking down at her daughter, "She will be, she just needs rest. I'm surprised to see you so concerned Damon. I have a hard time believing that it's all just guilt."

I matched her smirk, "Whatever you are implying is incorrect. I just care about keeping her away from you."

Katherine scoffed, "Yeah, right. Good luck with that. Silva is my daughter and will be mine until the end of time."

"When do you plan on turning her then?"

"After Klaus is dead. We'll celebrate by spending the rest of eternity together in freedom."

My eyes widened at her confession, "You really care about her, don't you."

She kissed the girl's forehead, "I do. When I saw this poor baby in a box crying in the blistering cold, I almost walked past like everyone else leaving her to die. But then I remembered my own daughter, whom I never got to know or meet, and how she was taken away from me and then I was abandoned by my family. I realized that this baby had been abandoned too and then I took her and haven't let her go since. I don't intend to let her go either." Katherine then looked  up noticing the audience and continued, "I never intended to care about anything and yet Silva is the only thing in this world that makes me happy. She filled a void in my life that I didn't even know I had." She handed Elena back her necklace and made her way to the door, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put my daughter to bed."

Once she was gone I looked from my brother to Elena, "That was unexpected."

Stefan picked it up, "Yet she was telling the truth. I was listening to her heartbeat."

Elena looked up at him, "So what do we do about them then? I don't mind having Silva around, but Katherine can't stay."

Stefan wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "It's okay, we'll take care of it. Let's get you to bed."

I said my goodbyes and left only to return to the house and have Katherine try to seduce me. I shoved her away and it felt empowering. I had finally gotten over Katherine and the moon's light seemed to shine a little brighter.

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