The Titan and The Boy

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" need to find the owner of this castle..."

Sounds of heavy thuds echo across the plains as the rock titan walk straight step by step. On it's back lies an old castle, probably built on top of him when he was hibernating.

The titan kept walking with a huge tower on his left arm. It trudged along the plains, scaring the birds away from it's heavy steps.

"Oi!" The titan heard some sort of high pitch voice. He slowly looked down to see a boy.

"...yes?..." Grock answered back. The boy smiled.

"I never seen a monster like you before in ages! What are you?" The boy asked enthuastically, wearing his goggles from his head. The rock titan blinked.

"...I am a rock titan..." it answered. It was confused on the boy's fascination for itself. The boy was happily looking around him in such speeds that he was teleporting.

"The structure...the thickness...the height..." The boy muttered. "Your a one of a kind species!"

"...there are more of me out there...." The rock titan exclaimed. The boy's eyes widened like dinner plates.

"How...fascinating.." the boy said, amazed. Grock blinked before trying to walk again.

"Where are you going?" It heard the boy asked.

"...I don't know...I need to find the owner of the castle..." Grock admitted. The boy smiled as he hopped into the castle.

"Well then, we should go to the Land of Dawn! There is a person that records the living and death of a certain person over there." The boy exclaimed as he arranged his sleeveless vest. Grock nodded slowly.

"Okay...but it?" It asked. The boy pointed straight ahead.

"To West we go!" The boy shouted excitedly. The rock titan nodded as he started walking, bringing strong spasms upon the ground among it's steps.


"Do you see that?" A bandit said as he pointed towards the rock titan and the boy.

"Yeah, what about it?" Another bandit, smaller than the former, asked. The bandit smiled.

"I heard the ancient castles such as that one are worth a lot of money." The bandit exclaimed. The small bandit's eyes widened.

"R-really?!" The small bandit said rather loud that the former bandit had to slap his mouth shut with his hand covered in leather glove.

" better gather up our group... we are gonna take that titan down." The bandit said with a smirk. The small one nodded frantically as he ran away, finding the rest of his members.


" you species ever sleep?" The boy asked. The rock titan nodded as he kept trudging along the plains.

"...we do...a lot...of sleeping.." The titan claimed. "...probably takes a...century or two.."

The boy beamed at the answer. "I see~!" He said as the titan kept marching on.

Suddenly, the boy frowned, as if he sensed something wrong. "Stop for a minute, some people are here and I have a feeling they aren't friendly."

The titan stopped at the boy's call. Suddenly, three bandits yelled as with their long swords on their hands as they charge at the rock titan. The boy closed his eyes as the bandits stopped for some reason.

"What the-?" A bandit ushered out.

"Why can't I move?" Another of the attackers said. The boy opened his eyes to reveal purple pupils constanly flicking into different bright colors.

"Well...well...well..." The boy said. "Looks like the bandits are here for your castle. Would you kindly let them out of our way?" He asked the rock titan, who gave a nod as he swung his tower that he was holding on to the bandits, letting them cry in pain as they got knocked out from the force.

"Chaaarge!" The boy heard several yells as bandits came flooding in. He sighed as he grabbed something from his pocket. It seemed to be a marble of some kind.

"Hytai! Go knock' em down!" The boy yelled as he threw the marble down. The marble transformed into some sort of humanoid with two daggers on it's hands as it started to intercept the bandits with ease. Grock kept swinging with the castle's tower as the boy kept freezing the bandits with his powers.

Slowly but surely, all of the bandits were being knocked out by the defenders. The rock titan and the boy with his android held them out.

The boy huffed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "That was a workout..."

The rock titan didn't respond as it finished the rest of the bandits with another huge swing. The android stopped attacking as it sensed all the bandits knocked down.

"Good job Hytai. You can go back now." The boy said. The android converted itself back to a marble and flew back to the boy's pant pocket.

"We should continue on then, looks like no one else is coming." The boy exclaimed with glee. The titan nodded slowly as it started to walk again to the Land of Dawn.


Clint sighed as he ran across the forest in an urgent fashion. With a quick roll from a small ledge, he did a backflip across the air. He landed crouched as he scanned the area.

"Where are those bandits?" The sheriff exclaimed as he stood up from his position. He walked north, trying to find any sign of the bandits that he had recieved a report from. Suddenly, he saw a rock titan and a boy who was on top of the castle. Deciding it was a good idea to ask them, Clint went to them.

"Hey fella's." Clint greeted, catching both in attention. "Have you seen any signs of the bandits?"

The boy nodded. "Yes sir, we had encounted them south from here. Me and.." he pointed at Grock. "Had knocked them out though."

The sheriff blinked but nodded and smirked. "Okay then, that makes my job easier then." Clint exclaimed.

"No problem sheriff!" The boy replied with a smile as he faced Grock. "We should go on now."

"...okay then.." the titan exclaimed. The sheriff blinked.

"Uh.. where are you guys going anyways?" The sheriff asked.

"To the Land of Dawn!" The boy exclaimed as he patted the titan's castle. "This titan wants to find the owner of this castle and I am here to help it!"

The sheriff nodded. "Well, what are your names so I can probably help you once I round up the bandits?"

The boy smiled. "My name is Neo, also known as the Young Inventor." Neo introduced himself.

"...Grock.." Grock answered. The sheriff slowly nodded.

"Okay then, I shall see ya' fellas later then." Clint exclaimed as he ran southwise to catch all those bandits before the awakened. Neo turned as Grock continued to walk to the Land of Dawn.


And the first ever time I inserted my OC on this story! Don't worry, it won't happen often. :)

Anyways, Had to spice up the backstory of Grock a bit and had my OC, Neo, to make it a bit more lively and action- packed.

Hopefully I did project it well to you guys! :D

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