Serious Yet Lovable

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Summary: A fluffy chapter of Saber and Fanny loving each other in some situations.


"You tried Saber."

"Now, you don't have to rub it in..."

"Of'course I had to! You said it was easy and all that."


Fanny and Saber were walking out of the valley that they usually trained in. It was rather a familiar place for the two, a source of space that they can use for special training with their weapons and such. It was also a place where the two can just get loose with each other's company, not alarmed to see someone see them training since it was way too far from the capital anyways.

Fanny had a smirk plastered on her face as she gloated. "Well, you said controlling my cables were easy and now you have to pay the price of it!"

Saber rolled his eyes as he had some cracks on his visor but he was fine with it. "Sure, sure.." He said in a dismissive tone as they kept on walking across the valley, which they usually do when they are walking home to the capital.

The auburn haired woman smiled at her mini-victory over the stoic assassin, making sure to milk it as much as possible. "Heh, so much for being a professional assassin!" She mocked as she kept teasing Saber yet was being ignored as he was simply kept walking ahead of her. She pouted as she felt like he was placing a cold shoulder on her, making her think that she went too far with the teasing.

Fanny sighed as she caught up with him, touching his right shoulder with her hands. "Look, I'm sorry for-"

Suddenly, she felt a pair of lips over hers, making her eyes widened as her face lit up in a red hue. Fanny's brain immediately went to a halt as she was comprehending what was happening right now.

Yet before she really get onto it, Saber pulled back with a smirk into his face. "I say we are even on the teasing matters." He remarked cheerfully.

Hearing that made Fanny glare at him fiercely as he chuckled at her reaction. Putting more fuel to the fire, he commented. "Well, now your face is as red as your hair now!"

That was the last straw as Fanny growled as she tried to pummel him down with her fists but Saber knew to have some distance before teasing her. He had a smile on his face as he started to run ahead of her, leaving the woman scorned even further away.

"Come back here you coward!" Fanny yelled as she chased him to get revenge on the stunt he did. Even though she had liked it, she wanted to lavish in it and he took it away from her!


Saber sighed as he sat on a seat near the window on the usual cafe that he visited in, his right hand clasped into his coffee cup while he was leaning back on his chair. It was a tiring day for the assassin as he had quite a few missions done in such a short time.

"Geez... that last mission was kinda rough.." He muttered to himself as he drank from his cup. The sweet bitter taste filled his mouth as he sighed happily after gulping it down. "But atleast it was done."

Thinking thoughtfully while being satisfied with the past events, he looked outside to see the normal stuff that he wouldn't see when he is on duty. Cars driving by on the roads and people were walking up and down the sidewalk per usual, which made Saber quite happy to have some normal in his life.

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