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Today was a busy day. And I mean busy.

We have an interview, and then about two hours away from that we have a concert. There was also going to be a Meet & Greet after. I was kind of scared because this would be the first interview, show, and Meet & Greet since I came out.

I grabbed out a white shirt with two black stripes on he top part with '01 on the front. I slipped on some light wash jeans with rips in them. I slipped on some white lace-up vans. I grabbed my phone and wallet, running out of my door and towards the front door. The boys were waiting on me due to me taking forever to do my hair.

I hopped in and we immediately started to drive off. It was nine in the morning so the traffic was somewhat light.

"Stop at Starbucks." Jonah tells the driver. We neared the closest Starbucks and I smiled. Im not much of a coffee person, but I could use some.

When we pulled up, we quickly got out and all ordered our drinks. The wait was about ten minutes, but that was until I saw a familiar face.

"Jessica!" I say running up to her. She turn to me and gives me a smile.

"Hi Zach. Hi boys!" She yells to them she looks back to me with a big smile.

"Are you actually gay?" She asks. I nod and smile. I was a few inches taller than her.

"So, there must be somebody you like..." She said poking my shoulder. I blush and look down, that familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah..." I say quietly. She squeals which causes all the teens and adults to look our way. I look over to an elderly lady who was close and mouthed an 'I'm sorry'.

"Who?" She asks. "Is it...". Her eyes glance behind me to the boys. "...One of them?"

Luckily, before I can make a fool of myself lying, my order is called. I wave goodbye to her and grab it. We head outside to the car.

I drank my coffee in peace as the other boys chatted about music and girls. I stared out the window and slowly drank my coffee.

The question popped in my head again. "Is it one of them?" I didn't know myself.

Do I like one of the boys?

I sighed and drank the last of my coffee as we pulled up to the building.

I hopped out of the car and walked next to Jack as we entered the building. Our hands accidentally touched and I felt the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I glance over to him to see him looking forward with a small smile on his face which made me smile.

We saw a group of fans cheering for us and I laughed and waved. They screamed and started taking photos. I smiled a big grin as we walked on stage. A few minutes later the crowd was let in.

As we were waiting, my eyes scanned the crowd. I saw a little child in the front row about the age of four. I tapped the mic to see if it was on.

"Guys, look at that cute little girl." I said pointing to her. The girl the child was with smiled and picked her up holding her. I got up from my seat and walked over to the girl and smiled at her.

"Hey. Can you tell me your name?" I ask politely. She blushes and looks down shyly.

"Shyla..." She says. I smile.

"That's a really pretty name. Do you want a picture together?" I ask her. She looks up to me smiling and nods quickly. I grab her from the person she was with and hold her, kissing her cheek. The girl takes a picture of us and then takes the girl back. The crowd awes and I go back to my seat smiling.

"That was cute." Jack says leaning towards me. I laugh and look over to the now occupied seat that held the interviewer.

"Hello, I'm Jared, and we are here with Why Don't We!" He announces. We all nod and smile as the crowd cheers for us.

"So I have some questions for them." He says holding up some note cards. "So lets start with the first one."

"So, you just got done with tour, what was your favorite place you visited while out?" He asks.

"I'd have to say Paris again." Jonah says.

"Yeah. It is so beautiful." Daniel adds.

"I agree." I say. Jack nods.

Corbyn holds up his finger. "Statue of Liberty." He says.

"Yes." I say laughing.

"Paris and the Statue of Liberty." Jared says.

"Zach, this is a question for you." He says. "You recently came out over a YouTube video. Why did you choose to do it at this time?" He asks.

"Well, people we getting suspicious. So I decided to just tell people."

"Was it scary in the beginning?"

"Yes. I thought I would get a lot of hate, but it is low. Some here and there." I answer honestly.

"A question for all of you. Is there any love interests?" He asks smiling.

"I have someone I go on dates with." Jack says sheepishly rubbing his neck. Once again, I feel jealously towards him.

But was it towards him or the person he is going with?

"I have my girlfriend. We are still strong. She's amazing." Corbyn says smiling.

"None." Daniel says.

"Single and ready to flamingle." Jonah says crossing his legs. We all burst out laughing at the old joke.

"Zach." Jared asks.

"Well...I guess I might like someone, but I know for sure they don't like me back." I say sadly.

I felt a hand pat my back. Under it, my skin shocked, but in a good way. The butterflies came back and I tried my best not to blush.

"Poor Zach." Jack says laughing. I turn to laugh too, but instead I accidentally meet Jonah's eyes and I see him mouth, 'After'. I furrow my eyebrows but nod.

I finished this and the chapter before this in one chapter time, so there will/was a surprise chapter. There will be some if I have nothing to do or I am bored.

Word Count: 1060

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now