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I sighed as I walked into the familiar coffee shop. It was a bit different; they added more tables and an outdoor area, and a wall of pictures from birthdays celebrated there, shows played, or any memorable moments. I smiled at the worker, Cindy. She was the one who took over for Eli when he decided to sit with me.

"Oh, hey, Zach. Fancy seeing you here." She said with a small laugh. I put my head down and let out a small chuckle.

"I've been gone for a while." I looked up at her with a smile. "Guess you can say that I was trying to play my cards right."

"Looks like it is taking a toll on you." She smiled. "Coffee?"

"Is that your way of trying to get me to buy some?" I said with a slight smirk. "Because it is working."

She let out a hearty laugh and gave me a smile. "What kind? The regular?" She said. I have been here many times before, and that is how I was closer with Cindy. We would always chat when I stopped by.

I nodded. She stepped back and handed the order to the person behind her, and I got out of line so the next person could go in front and order.

I watched as she got everyone else's orders and gave them to the boy behind her. I gave him a small smile as he handed me my coffee and I walked over to a corner seat.

I pulled out my phone as I sipped my coffee. I was back in LA, close to the house too so I could do what I am planning to do.

I was planning on seeing him. If he was even alive though.

Because of me.

I sighed and dropped my head. It was true, he could be dead and it would be my fault. But that is what today is about.

To see if I killed my best friend. The person I have feelings for.

I got up and took a step out of the cafe. It felt gloomy, and I could swear I felt a few drops here and there. I guess the weather was matching my mood today.

I looked up at the sky. Why were people so stupid? But I shouldn't complain, I was one of those stupid people. I could have moved but I chose not to, and in the end, it hurt someone else.

I made the wrong choice, and someone else paid for it. But I did too.

And that is why the world is so wrong.

Someone believes one thing is right and everyone follows, yet when you do something wrong, it hurts others too. And I hate how that is how things go.

If only I could go back in time to fix things, what specifically would I fix?

Walks around town were the best, especially if you haven't grown up in that town. I loved exploring, and that is what I was doing.

Until I strolled up to my destination. A house that I know as familiar. I haven't been in it for over two weeks or even talked to the people for that matter. I didn't know what would happen. I just knew I had to do this.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Was I really going to do this? Show up on their doorstep and say, "Hey, I'm back"?

I dropped my head so I was looking at the ground. They probably hate me, and that is what scared me the most. What if I walk in there and they don't even acknowledge me? They just shrug me off and leave? I couldn't bear that. Knowing they hated me.

But I had too. It was either that or not knowing that my best friend is dead.

I would have gone to the terrorist, but he decided to end his life after it. I hated that he chose that. He should have just went to jail. I realize that you don't want to spend that much time locked up in there but that is better than being locked up forever.

I almost died too, though. And I could have saved myself and him if I just moved.

The world isn't as broken as the people think. It is the people who are the broken ones.

It hurt. A lot. Any moment, I could go, my friends could go, my own family could go. And no one stops to realize that by the words they say, actions they make, and the people you surround yourself with can alter your life forever. But what hurts worst is that the people who are bad for you are the only ones you can hang around with. They are the most judgemental, the most hurtful, but they don't realize that they are breaking others.

That is how it was when I was younger. I was popular just because of my looks and athleticism but that didn't help me when it came to hurting. They would make fun of me, my family, or things that I was dealing with and they never stopped to realize that it was hurting someone. I guess that was my worst quality. I could trust people too easily.

I still thought of my mother or family going. Leaving me in this world. And I always saw it as peaceful, death, I mean. A cure for a disease that you could never get rid of.

I shook my head. I was thinking rubbish; if I said it to anyone they would just think I was stupid and that I needed help. But that was false. I had my help at my actual house and right in front of me. And the one that had helped the most could be dead or alive.

I guess we need to find out sooner or later.

I walked up to the door of the house and smiled as I knocked. I had parked the car a few blocks away at the coffee shop and I left it there, not wanting to drive. I wanted to take my time but my time seemed to be up.

I looked up and saw a familiar face; someone I have surrounded myself with for quite a while. I smiled at him and nodded my head as he stood awestruck.


Hey good people. I am just here writing, passing the time until the goddamn album comes out. :)

Oh and on twitter, I was protecting Logan and apparently, people loved me telling them off and it got over a thousand likes. I never asked for this so why did I get it? I was just telling someone off. They said, "Go back to not posting." I answered with, "If you hate him so much, why are you on this post?" I mean, right? If someone retweets it, you just go past it. Same thing if you see it on browse. Like goddamn.

Oh and Y'all should check out The Color Wild and Bruno Major. They are both amazing artists and Bruno Major helps me write while The Color Wild is just another band to jam to that I love. But don't worry, I still have an undying love for the boys.

Word Count: 1219

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now