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It isn't that I want to hurt Jack, but I am keeping him from getting hurt worse.

This will be the last time Jack is hurt.

It has been a week since May posted that photo, yet somehow Jack found a way to forgive her.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. We were back home and Christina was here, and I talked to her about the idea I had.

"I know that May likes to party." I said, "So I am hoping you can find a party and tell May?"

Christina raised her eyebrows and gave me a confused look. "Why do you want to do this to Jack again?" She asked. I sighed.

"May is hurting Jack. This is to show Jack once and for all that May doesn't like him. That she is using him for god knows what."

Christina sighed and gave me a smile. "I'll try. And you're secret safe with me."

I raised my eyebrows and gave a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Come on Zach. It is obvious you like Jack." She said with a smile.

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "Uhh- well, no." I cleared my throat. "No. I don't."

Christina rolled her eyes but nodded. "Alright. But only if you can get the rest of the boys out of the house. Corbyn and I haven't had alone times in ages." She said.


And here we were. Standing in front of the party. I sighed and smiled to the others.

"Let's go?" I said. They nodded and started into the house, but I didn't move at all.

This could go two ways. Jack finds May and sees her true colors, or May sees Jack first and she stops.

I sighed and gazed up at the big building. I finally went into it, and immediately could smell the alcohol.

I maneuvered around the house until I found myself in the kitchen. I grabbed a can of pop; I was too young to drink.

That wasn't long until I guy walked up to me and took my pop and gave me a red cup, refusing to leave before I drank it all.

I scrunched up my face as I handed him the cup and he smiled and handed me another before patting my back and leaving to go somewhere else.

I walked into the living room to see people sitting in a circle and I noticed Daniel was sitting in there. I walked over to him and bent down.

"What are you doing Daniel?" I asked. He turned to look at me with a smile. It was evident that he had been drinking already.

"We're playing truth or dare. Get the others and let's all play." He said. I shook my head.

"I don't really want to. I can ask Jonah for you though." I said. I stood up and walked around until I saw Jonah standing in a small gathering room.

"Jonah." I said. He looked over to me and smiled, raising his cup.

"Zach! Where's the others?" He said.

"I don't know where Jack is. Daniel is in the kitchen and asked if you wanted to play Truth or Dare with him and the other people in the group." I said. He nodded.

"Okay. I guess I'll go hang out with him." He said. He stopped at me and poked my chest. "Find Jack though."

I nodded and turned away. I walked around the house for a while until I found a door to the backyard. I slipped out and gazed at everyone out there until I saw a familiar set of curls sitting down with his elbows on his knees.

I walked over and gave him a smile when he looked up. "Hey Jack."

"Hey Zach." He said sighing and leaning back.

I sat down next to him and looked around. Jack was staring lazily at the cup in his hand.

"I haven't even taken a sip." He said. "I am just tired."

"Then why did you even agree to come?" I asked. He looked over to me.

"I thought it would be fun. But that's not happening." He sighed. "And I thought that Corbyn and Christina should be alone for a while."

I sighed and set down my cup. "Let's go get pop or a water." I said to him. He nodded and got up, following me into the house.

But we stopped, cause Jack stopped moving.

"May." Jack said. I turned to him and then to where he was looking.

And there she was. My plan went well after all.

May moved away from the guy and turned to Jack with a shocked face.

"Ja-Jack." She said. "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing." Jack said, a whine in his voice.

Jack had tears in his eyes as May walked towards him. He took a step back from the girl and shook his head.

"I gave you too many chances. We are done." He said. By this time, people have gathered around and expected Jack to be yelling in anger, but he wouldn't. He couldn't.

"Jack let's go." I say, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the door. He followed behind slowly, acting as if there were weights making it harder to walk for him.

They made it to the car and Zach helped Jack into the passengers seat. Zach figured that Jonah would know his limits and call an uber home for him and Daniel.

I run over to the driver side and get in, grabbing out my phone while doing so. I send a text to Corbyn and Christina telling them Jack and I were on our way.

As I drove off, I could hear Jack's soft sobs. I sighed and took one of my hands off the wheel and put it on his shoulder.

"Jack, I am sorry for what happened. But I told you before, she is going to hurt you." I said. He nodded and sniffled.

"I should've listened when you said that going back to her was a bad idea." He said.

"Don't worry though. You will find someone." I said reassuringly.

If only I could be that someone.

Hi. I am finishing this a day late and doing something good by starting the next chapter.

Word Count: 1061

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now