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There are two more updates after this one. :)


I was afraid of what I was doing, but I was doing it anyways. I had no clue what I would say, just like with my father. Speak my mind, I suppose. But this person hardly did anything wrong. But he did do one thing wrong that messed it all up.

I sighed and sat down in a chair and watched him file in. It was just like it was with my father, in a room with a table and two chairs; jail again.

But it was a different person this time. He was foreign. I only knew his name and what he did and he probably has never seen or heard of me.

"Hello, Mr. Surge. Or do you prefer Adam?" I said. He glanced up at me from the focus of his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't really care." He sighed and looked at the floor again. I watched as he would casually glance up, checking to see if I would do anything.

After a while, he shook his head and leaned forward. "What do you want?" He asked annoyed. I glanced at the wall as I contemplated what to say.

"Adam," I started. "You realize why you are in here?"

"Yes. Because I was driving drunk and accidentally hit another vehicle-"

"My boyfriend was in that vehicle. And you killed him. You killed Eli. And because of you, I can never hear his voice, see his smile, or even be in his presence because of someone who decided to drink before they went somewhere. And because of that, not only that person is suffering, but so am I. So are the people who surrounded themselves with Eli, who died."

"Well, I'm sorry I hit a vehicle hard enough to kill the person-"


"Right. To kill Eli." He said. "But that gives no reason to come in here-"

"I have every reason, goddamnit. I have every reason to yell at you and say that you took away one of the most important people to me. How do you think it would feel? You have a lover, right? And a child on the way. How would you feel if that all ended because someone was too ignorant to realize that they could hurt others because of their stupid actions." I said. I leaned over the table and got into his face, showing no sympathy.

"Imagine a world without them. Then I want to hear you say that you are 'sorry' for ending a life that should have kept living on."

"And I want you to realize that you killed an innocent. Because you were idiotic enough to choose the wrong answer to a life-altering question."

And as I did with my father, I got up and left the room, giving him one last glance to see the sour look on his face.

He, just like my father, realized they did the worst things ever, and it just didn't hurt them or the actual victim, it hurt others too.


"It was Zach."

I shot up from my spot and grabbed his phone off the ground to see if he was telling the truth. He, in fact, was. It said "Zach" at the top and I quickly pressed call back, but it immediately went to voicemail. He either had his phone off or he still had it blocked like he did with all of ours.

I shook my head and handed him his phone back. He would just ignore us like usual. There was seriously no hope for him it felt like.

I pulled out my own phone and checked my socials. As I did, I saw a tweet from someone that Zach was in California and I shook my head. It was probably some false tweet trying to get our attention.

I scrolled through it more and stopped when my eyes saw another tweet; this one from Zach himself. It seemed as if he was trying his best to stay on social media, keep everyone updated and that he hasn't done anything stupid, I suppose.

But that doesn't mean he hasn't.

I got a call from his mother today saying that he stopped at his father's jail that week and apparently got him so broken down into the point of tears. Now, I wasn't close to his father, Jay, but he was hard shelled. If anything tried to bother him, he would just shrug or tell it off. But I also knew Zach. He wasn't as hard-shelled as his father, more like his mother. Strong-willed but things could easily get to him. And, in the wrong situations, that could lead it to harmful things.

But Zach, being persistent, kept after his father and made him realize that he messed up. And messed up really bad. Enough to say that he didn't have the loving family that he had about a half a year before.

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. It reminded me of my friend again. Except for that she did nothing wrong. And it hurt to know that I was the reason she drowned herself at the bottom of that lake. And sometimes, I would go there just to think. What life would be like with her here? Maybe I wouldn't even be here. With my best friends. Doing what I loved.

Yes, I grieved her death, and it wasn't needed to some people, like me. But it also made me try harder. And that is what I was doing. For her. Because I knew she would be happy for me. Even if it was my rude being that made her go.

See, Zach wasn't the only one with a sad backstory. And it wasn't always me, either. Jack had one, and right now was tying into it, Corbyn had one, and so did Daniel. But we never mentioned them to each other. We either saw them happen or just knew about it from small details.

But right now, Zach was making his and Jack's stories a whirlwind. And it will stay that way unless they choose differently.

Howdy. I am not southern, but I am always talking in their slang. From Y'all to vibin'. But yeah, hope you liked the chap'.

Word Count: 1047

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