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My eyes fluttered open and I gave a small smile. It was a bright morning, and it made it many more times better with Jack laying behind me with his arms around my waist. It felt right, and it felt like something I wanted, needed forever.

I turned so I was facing the sleeping boy, and ran my hands through his curls. I love him.

"Mmm..." I smiled and pecked Jack on the forehead and cheeks, and when I pulled away I saw him look at me. His eyes and smile was so gorgeous, and I was happy to call him mine.

Jack moved his hand up to mess with my hair and he gave a small laugh. "You look amazing when you first wake up." I blushed and Jack moved his arms to my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I brought my arms up to his neck, deepening the kiss but that quickly ended because of a knock on the door.

"Stop sucking eachother's faces off and come downstairs and eat." We heard Corbyn say. "And I swear if I see PDA-"

"Oh my goodness Corbyn, you do it all the damn time with Christina, when do we get our fun?" Jack whined as he sat up. I laughed and climbed out of bed, walking over to my clothes and grabbing a pair of light grey sweatpants. I threw on a plain black shirt, knowing I would be trapped inside the whole time.

Jack threw on some clothes too and we headed down to breakfast. Jack and I, we were strong, and I was always happy with him by my side. If he went anywhere without warning, I would be in devastation. After all, I loved him too much to ever let him go.

I heard once that you will never stop loving the person who made you like how you are now, strong, smart, and happy. Even if they broke you, you will love them forever because they have done the most for you. And it will forever stay like that. You need to be careful on who you love. Don't throw it around like it is a ball, throw it around like it is your actual heart.

"Zach." Jack said, grabbing my hand, tugging me over to the eggs sitting on the stove. You had to love Jonah's eggs, because they were fabulous. Now, if he could only cook more so we would have more variety of foods to eat, so we didn't have to waste our money on junk food and take out.

We ate in quiet, a few peeks here and there, but there was no words. We were all tired from the movie marathon, and thanks to Jonah it was Harry Potter, but it didn't really bother Jack and I, other than he wouldn't let us sleep until it was over. I could still see Daniel giving Jonah rude glares as he ate tiredly.

"How was your guys' sleep?" Jonah asked jubilantly as he was taking a sip of his coffee. We all cast him evil looks, and he immediately chuckled. We all hated him from keeping us awake so late into the night.

We chatted, and talked about a visit home soon, but Jack and I had other plans. While they spent a week at their houses, Jack and I would have time to ourselves in the Bahamas.


And here we were. Hanging out on our bed, in the Bahamas.

We have been having a lazy day, watching show after show, movie after movie, and it felt amazing just being alone with him. Yes, we did get distracted some times, but it was tempting with a male beauty next to me.

We had attempted surfing, but that was hard for us to do. Only Daniel could really surf, and the rest of us would just sink under. We just didn't associate ourselves with the ocean that much. We were more used to the pool.

We also would have busy nights, which made me happy there were no boys to joke about it the next morning. It was only us. And it felt nice that way.

Jack was currently lying next to me on the bed, running his hand through my hair as I cuddled into his side. He was the best thing to happen to me by far. Even if poverty had my name, I would still find joy in him.

"What are you thinking about?" I said kissing his temple. He smiles at me and grabs my hands.

"About how happy you make me," he said leaning in to give me a kiss. He gives a soft kiss back before pulling away and giving me a large smile. "What?" He said with a laugh at his cheesy grin. I got off the bed and pulled him over to the edge, giving him a soft kiss before smiling again at him.

"Jack," I said with a smile, pulling a small box from my back pocket. "This isn't a proposal, but a promise. Promise me you will always be there. Promise me you will never leave. Promise that you will love me no matter what happens. That you will spend your life with me. That you will keep your heart with me. That even if you are ten thousand miles away that you will be here, even if it is not physically. Promise me that-"

He flung himself at me again for the second time, and I fell to the ground with a thud. He kissed me pashionately, and when he pulled back, he gave a laugh and said, "Put the damn ring on my finger already, Herron." We sat up, and I took the ring out of the foam surrounding and slipped it onto his finger. He kissed me quickly before standing up, walking over to the other side of the room to put his other rings away, just so it was the simple gold band. He pulled it off to inspect it, and when he read what was on the inside of it he looked at me with a grin.

"'Promise'. I will always promise." I smiled at him and sat up from my laying position.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I can't belive this is almost over. Wow.


Word Count: 1056

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now